SEER Cause of Death Recode 1969+ (4/15/2002) For ICD-8 (1968-1978), All Malignant Cancers is defined as 140-207. Individual ICD-8 cancer codes are converted to ICD-9 prior to creating this variable. Cancer Causes of Death Cancer Causes of Death;ICD-8;ICD-9 (1979-1998) #;ICD-10 (1999+) # All Malignant Cancers;;140-208, 238.6;C00-C97; Oral Cavity and Pharynx; Lip;;140;C00; Tongue;;141;C01-C02; Salivary Gland;;142;C07-C08; Floor of Mouth;;144;C04; Gum and Other Mouth;;143, 145;C03, C05-C06; Nasopharynx;;147;C11; Tonsil;;146.0-146.2;C09; Oropharynx;;146.3-146.9;C10; Hypopharynx;;148;C12-C13; Other Oral Cavity and Pharynx;;149;C14; Digestive System; Esophagus;;150;C15; Stomach;;151;C16; Small Intestine;;152;C17; Colon and Rectum; Colon excluding Rectum;;153, 159.0;C18, C26.0; Rectum and Rectosigmoid Junction;;154.0-154.1;C19-C20; Anus, Anal Canal and Anorectum;;154.2-154.3, 154.8;C21; Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct; Liver;;155.0, 155.2;C22.0, C22.2-C22.4, C22.7, C22.9; Intrahepatic Bile Duct;;155.1;C22.1; Gallbladder;;156.0;C23; Other Biliary;;156.1-156.2, 156.8-156.9;C24; Pancreas;;157;C25; Retroperitoneum;;158.0;C48.0; Peritoneum, Omentum and Mesentery;;158.8-158.9;C45.1+, C48.1-C48.2; Other Digestive Organs;;159.8-159.9;C26.8-C26.9, C48.8; Respiratory System; Nose, Nasal Cavity and Middle Ear;;160;C30-C31; Larynx;;161;C32; Lung and Bronchus;;162.2-162.5, 162.8-162.9;C34; Pleura;;163;C38.4, C45.0+; Trachea, Mediastinum and Other Respiratory Organs;;162.0, 164.2-164.3, 164.8-164.9, 165;C33, C38.1-C38.3, C38.8, C39; Bones and Joints;;170;C40-C41; Soft Tissue including Heart$;;164.1, 171;C47, C49, C38.0, C45.2+; Skin excluding Basal and Squamous; Melanoma of the Skin;;172;C43; Other Non-Epithelial Skin;;173;C44, C46+; Breast;;174-175;C50; Female Genital System; Cervix Uteri;;180;C53; Corpus and Uterus, NOS; Corpus Uteri;;182;C54; Uterus, NOS;;179;C55; Ovary;;183.0;C56; Vagina;;184.0;C52; Vulva;;184.1-184.4;C51; Other Female Genital Organs;;181, 183.2-183.5, 183.8-183.9, 184.8-184.9;C57-C58; Male Genital System; Prostate;;185;C61; Testis;;186;C62; Penis;;187.1-187.4;C60; Other Male Genital Organs;;187.5-187.9;C63; Urinary System; Urinary Bladder;;188;C67; Kidney and Renal Pelvis;;189.0-189.1;C64-C65; Ureter;;189.2;C66; Other Urinary Organs;;189.3-189.4, 189.8-189.9;C68; Eye and Orbit;;190;C69; Brain and Other Nervous System; Brain;;191;C71; Cranial Nerves Other Nervous System;;192;C70, C72; Endocrine System; Thyroid;;193;C73; Other Endocrine including Thymus$;;164.0, 194;C37, C74-C75; Lymphoma; Hodgkin Lymphoma;;201;C81; Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma;;200, 202.0-202.2, 202.8-202.9;C82-C85, C96.3; Myeloma;;203.0, 238.6;C90.0, C90.2; Leukemia; Lymphocytic Leukemia; Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia;;204.0;C91.0; Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia;;204.1;C91.1; Other Lymphocytic Leukemia;;204.2, 204.8-204.9;C91.2-C91.3, C91.7, C91.9; Myeloid Leukemia; Acute Myeloid Leukemia;;205.0;C92.0, C92.4-C92.5; Chronic Myeloid Leukemia;;205.1;C92.1; Other Myeloid Leukemia;;205.2-205.3, 205.8-205.9;C92.2-C92.3, C92.7, C92.9; Monocytic Leukemia; Acute Monocytic Leukemia;;206.0;C93.0; Chronic Monocytic Leukemia;;206.1;C93.1; Other Monocytic Leukemia;;206.2, 206.8-206.9;C93.2, C93.7, C93.9; Other Leukemia; Other Acute Leukemia;;207.0, 208.0;C94.0, C95.0; Other Chronic Leukemia;;207.1, 208.1;C94.1, C95.1; Aleukemic, Subleukemic and NOS;;202.4, 203.1, 207.2, 207.8, 208.2, 208.8-208.9;C90.1, C91.4-C91.5, C94.2-C94.5, C94.7, C95.2, C95.7, C95.9; Mesothelioma (ICD-10 only)+;;N/A;C45+; Kaposi Sarcoma (ICD-10 only)+;;N/A;C46+; Miscellaneous Malignant Cancer;;159.1, 195-199, 202.3, 202.5-202.6, 203.8;C26.1, C45.7+, C76-C80, C88, C96.0-C96.2, C96.7, C96.9, C97; Non-Cancer Causes of Death Non-Cancer Causes of Death;ICD-8;ICD-9 (1979-1998) #;ICD-10 (1999+) # In situ, benign or unknown behavior neoplasm;208-239;210-237, 238.0-238.5, 238.7-238.9, 239;D00-D48 ; Tuberculosis;010-019;010-018;A15-A19 ; Syphilis;090-097;090-097;A50-A53 ; Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) (1987+);N/A;042-044;B20-B24 ; Septicemia;038;038;A40-A41 ; Other Infectious and Parasitic Diseases;001-009, 020-037, 039-089, 098-136;001-009, 020-037, 039-041, 045-088, 098-139;A00-A09, A20-A39, A42-A49, A54-B19, B25-B99 ; Diabetes Mellitus;250;250;E10-E14 ; Alzheimers (ICD-9 and 10 only);N/A;331.0;G30 ; Diseases of Heart;390-398, 402, 404-429;390-398, 402, 404-429;I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51 ; Hypertension without Heart Disease;400-401, 403;401, 403;I10, I12 ; Cerebrovascular Diseases;430-438;430-438;I60-I69 ; Atherosclerosis;440;440;I70 ; Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection;441;441;I71 ; Other Diseases of Arteries, Arterioles, Capillaries;442-448;442-448;I72-I78; Pneumonia and Influenza;470-486;480-487;J10-J18 ; Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Allied Cond;490-493;490-496;J40-J47 ; Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers;531-533;531-533;K25-K28 ; Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis;571;571;K70, K73-K74 ; Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrosis;580-584;580-589;N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27 ; Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth, Puerperium;630-678;630-676;O00-O99 ; Congenital Anomalies;740-759;740-759;Q00-Q99 ; Certain Conditions Originating in Perinatal Period;760-779;760-779;P00-P96 ; Symptoms, Signs and Ill-Defined Conditions;780-796;780-799;R00-R99 ; Accidents and Adverse Effects;800-949*;800-949*;V01-X59, Y85-Y86 ; Suicide and Self-Inflicted Injury;950-959*;950-959*;X60-X84, Y87.0 ; Homicide and Legal Intervention;960-978*;960-978*;X85-Y09, Y35, Y87.1, Y89.0 ; # All ICD codes are tested for validity prior to generating this variable. Those deemed invalid are classified as Unknown/missing/invalid COD. Those deemed valid but not meeting the definition of any above grouping are classified as Other Cause of Death. The following documents contain an enumeration of valid ICD-8, ICD-9, and ICD-10 causes of death. '+' This variable can be created with or without Mesothelioma (C45) and Kaposi Sarcoma (C46) as separate groupings. The table above documents both possibilities. Note this is only possible with ICD-10. $ ICD-8 code 192.5 is coded to Other Endocrine including Thymus for age at death <20 years and Soft Tissue including Heart for age at death 20+ years. * External causes of injury and poisoning.