Publications - 2007

Allen, P.B.  Nanocrystalline Nanowires:  I. Structure  Nano Letters 7(1): 6-10 (2007).  BNL-77232-2006-JA.

Allen, P.B.  Nanocrystalline Nanowires:  II. Photons.  Nano Letters, 7(1): 11-14 (2007).  BNL-77233-2006-JA.

Allen, P.B.  Nanocrystalline Nanowires:  III. Electrons.  Nano Letters 7(5): 1220-1223 (2007).  BNL-77234-2006-JA.

Bo, W., Cheng, B., Du, J., Fix, B., George, E., Glimm, J., Grove, J., Jia, X., Jin, H., Lee, Y., Li, X., Li, Y., Liu X., Sharp, D.H., Wu, L., and Yu, Y. Recent progress in the stochastic analysis of turbulent mixing.  Contemporary Mathematics 429: 33-44 (2007).  Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-05-18.

Bo, W., Cheng, B., Du, J., Fix, B., George, E., Glimm, J., Grove, J., Jia, X., Jin, H., Lee, Y., Li, X., Li, Y., Liu X., Sharp, D.H., Wu, L., and Yu, Y.  FronTier and applications to scientific and engineering problems.  Proc. in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 7(1): 1024507-1024508 (2007).

Chen, X. and Deng, Y.  Long-term molecular dynamics simulations of botulinum biotoxin type-A at different pH values and temperatures.  J. Molecular Modeling 13(5): 559-572 (2007).  BNL-77463-2007-JA.

Chen, Y.-R., Zhang, L., and Hybertsen, M.S.  Theoretical study of trends in conductance for molecular junctions formed with armchair carbon nanotube electrodes.  Phys. Rev. B 76: 115408 (2007).  BNL-77870-2007-JA.

Cheng, Y., Cheng, X., and Deng, Y.  Simulating botulinum neurotoxin with constant pH molecular dynamics in generalized Born implicit solvent.  Computer Physics Communications 177(1-2): 210-213 (2007).  BNL-77464-2007-JA.

Fang, B. and Deng, Y.  Performance of 3D FFT on 6D QCDOC Torus parallel supercomputer.  Computer Physics Communications 176: 531-538, 2007.  BNL-77465-2007-JA.

Fang, B., Deng, Y., and Martyna, G.  A fine grained parallel smooth particle mesh Ewald algorithm for biophysical simulation studies:  Application to the 6-D torus QCDOC supercomputer.  Computer Physics Communications 177(4): 362-377 (2007).

Fernando, G.W., Kocharian, A.N., Palandage, P., Wang, T., and Davenport, J.W.  Phase separation and electron pairing in repulsive Hubbard clusters.  Phys. Rev. B 75: 085109-1 - 085109-5 (2007).  BNL-77703-2007-JA.

Glimm, J., Fix, B., Li, X., Liu, J., Liu, X., Lu, T., Samulyak, R., and Xu, Z.  Front tracking under TSTT.  Proceedings of the IGPP-CalSpace Conference, Astronomical Society of the Pacific 359: 15 (2007).

Han, G., Deng, Y., Glimm, J., and Martyna, G.  Error and timing analysis of multiple time-step integration methods for molecular dynamics. Computer Physics Communications 176: 271-291 (2007).  BNL-77462-2007-JA.

Kim, J., Zhu, W., Chang, L., Benter, P., and Ernst, T. Unified structural equation modeling approach for the analysis of multisubject, multivariate functional MRI data. Human Brain Mapping 28: 85-93 (2007).

Kocharian, A.N., Fernando, G.W., Wang, A.T., Palandage, K., and Davenport, J.W.  Exact thermodynamics of pairing and charge-spin separation crossovers in small Hubbard nanoclusters.  Phys. Lett. A. 364: 57-65 (2007).  BNL-77675-2007-JA.

Liu, J., Lim, H.-K., Glimm, J., and Li, X.  A conservative front tracking method in N-dimensions. J. Sci. Comp. 31(1/2): 213-236 (2007). BNL-79187-2007-JA.  Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-06-04.

Liu, X., Li, Y., Glimm, J., and Li, X.L.  A front tracking algorithm for limited mass diffusion.  J. Computational Physics 222: 644-653 (2007).  BNL-78119-2007-JA.  Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-06-01.

Lu, T., Miao, X., and Metcalf, H.  Nonadiabatic transitions in finite-time adiabatic rapid passage.  Phys. Rev. A 75: 063422-1 - 063422-5 (2007).

Lu, T., Samulyak, R., and Glimm, J. Direct numerical simulation of bubbly flows and application to cavitation mitigation. J. Fluids Engineering - Trans. ASME 129(5): 595-604 (2007).  BNL-73502-2007-JA-R1.

Okur, A., Roe, D., Cui, G., Hornak, V., and Simmerling, C.  Improving convergence of replica exchange simulations through coupling to a high temperature structure reservoir.  J. Chem. Theory and Computation 3(2): 557-568 (2007).  BNL-76951-2006-JA.

Palandage, K., Fernando, G., Kocharian, A., and Davenport, J.  An exact study of pairing fluctuations and phase diagrams in four-site Hubbard nanoclusters.  J. Computer-Aided Mater. Des. 14: 103-108 (2007).  BNL-78005-2007-JA.

Quek, S.Y., Venkataraman, L., Choi, H.J., Louie, S.G., Hybertsen, M.S., and Neaton, J.B. Amine-gold linked single-molecule circuits: Experiment and theory.  Nano Letters 7(11): 3477-3482 (2007). BNL-78033-2007-JA.

Quinn, J.R., Foss, Jr., F.W., Venkataraman, L., Hybertsen, M.S., and Breslow, R.  Single-molecule junction conductance through diaminoacenes.  J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129(21): 6714 (2007). BNL-77704-2007-JA.

Rissland, P. and Deng, Y. Electrostatic force computation for biomolecules on supercomputers with torus networks.  Parallel Computing 33(2): 116-123 (2007).

Roe, D.R., Okur, A., Wickstrom, L., Hornak, V., and Simmerling, C.  Secondary structure bias in generalized Born solvent models:  Comparison of conformational ensembles and free energy of solvent polarization from explicit and implicit solvation.  J. Chem. Phys. B 111: 1846-1857 (2007).  BNL-77921-2007-JA.

Samulyak, R., Lu, T., and Parks, P.  A magnetohydrodynamic simulation of pellet ablation in the electrostatic approximation.  Nuclear Fusion 47: 103-118 (2007).  BNL-75843-2006-JA.

Samulyak, R., Du, J., Glimm, J., and Xu, Z.  A numerical algorithm for MHD of free surface flows at low magnetic Reynolds numbers.  J. Computational Phys. 226(2): 1532-1549 (2007).

Shen, X., Allen, P.B., Muckerman, J.T., Davenport, J.W., and Zheng, J.-C.  Wire versus tube: Stability of small one-dimensional ZnO  nanostructures.  Nano Letters 7: 2267 (2007).  BNL-78124-2007-JA.

Stolyarova (Polyakova), E., Rim, K.T., Ryu, S., Maultzsch, J., Kim, P., Brus, L.E., Heinz, T.F., Hybertsen, M.S., and Flynn, G.W.  High-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy imaging of mesoscopic graphene sheets on an insulating surface.  Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 104(22): 9209-9212 (2007).  BNL-77779-2007-JA.

Strockbine, B. and Rizzo, R.C. Binding of anti-fusion peptides with HIVgp41 from molecular dynamics simulations: Quantitative correlation with experiment. Proteins: Struct., Funct., Bioinf. 67(3): 630-642 (2007).

Wickstrom, L. Bi, Y., Hornak, V., Raleigh, D., and Simmerling, C.  Reconciling the solution and X-ray structures of the villin headpiece helical subdomain:  molecular dynamics simulations and double mutant cycles reveal a stabilizing cation-Pi interaction.  Biochemistry 46(12): 3624-3634 (2007).  BNL-76950-2006-JA.

Xu, Z., Kim, M., Lu, T., Oh, W., Glimm, J., Samulyak, R., Li, X., and Tzanos, C.  Discrete bubble modeling of unsteady cavitating flow.  Int. J. for Multiscale Computational Engrg. 4(5/6): 601-616 (2007).  BNL-78120-2007-JA.

Xu, Z., Glimm, J., Zhang, Y., and Liu, X.  A multiscale front tracking method for compressible free surface flows.  Chem. Engineering Science 62(13): 3538-3548 (2007).  BNL-79256-2007-JA.

Zhang, Y., Drake, R.P., and Glimm, J.  Numerical evaluation of the impact of laser preheat on interface structure and instability.  Physics of Plasmas 14: 062703 (2007).



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