Publications - 2004

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Campos, I. and Davenport, J.W. Numerical investigation of the 3D Hubbard model on a Linux cluster. J. Computational Physics 196: 88-101 (2004). BNL-72383-2004-JA.

Deng, Y., Glimm, J., Davenport, J., Cai, X., and Santos, E. Performance models on QCDOC for molecular dynamics with Coulomb potentials. Int. J. High Performance Computing Applications 18(2): 183-198 (2004). Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-00-04. BNL-71261-2003-JA. PDF Format.

Drozhdin, A.I., Mokhov, N.V., Still, D.A., and Samulyak, R. Beam-Induced Damage to the Tevatron Collimators: Analysis and Dynamic Modeling of Beam Loss, Energy Deposition and Ablation. Fermilab Report No. FERMILAB-FN-751, 2004.

Dutta, S., Glimm, J., Grove, J.W., Sharp, D.H., and Zhang, Y. Spherical Richtmyer-Meshkov instability for axisymmetric flow.  Mathematics and Computers in Simulations 65: 417-430 (2004).  Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-03-13.

Dutta, S., Glimm, J., Grove, J.W., Sharp, D.H., and Zhang, Y.  Error comparison in tracked and untracked spherical simulations.  Computers and Mathematics with Applications 48: 1733-1747 (2004).  Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-03-10 and LANL Report No. LA-UR-03-2920.

Efstathiadis, E. et al. Proceedings of the Computing in High Energy Physics (CHEP) 2004 conference, Interlaken, Switzerland, Sept. 26 - Oct. 1st, 2004 (to be published).

Glimm, J., Jin, H., and Zhang, Y. Front tracking for multiphase fluid mixing. In Computational Methods in Multiphase Flow II, A.A. Mammoli and C.A. Brebbia, Editors, pp. 13-22, WIT Press, Southampton, UK, 2004.

Glimm, J., Li, X.-L., and Xu, Z.  Front tracking algorithm using adaptively refined meshes.  Proc. 2003 Chicago Workshop on Adaptive Mesh Refinement Methods.  Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, ISSN: 1439-7358 (2004).

Glimm, J., Grove, J.W., Kang, Y., Lee, T., Li, X., Sharp, D.H., Yu, Y., Ye, K., and Zhao, M.  Statistical Riemann problems and a composition law for errors in numerical solutions of shock physics problems.  SIAM J. Sci. Computing 26(2): 666-697 (2004).  BNL-73953-2005-JA. Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-03-11.  LANL Report No. LA-UR-03-2921.

Glimm, J., Hou, S., Lee, Y., Sharp, D., and Ye, K.  Sources of uncertainty and error in the simulation of flow in porous media.  Comp. and Applied Mathematics 23: 109-120 (2004).  Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-03-08.  LANL Reprint No. LA-UR-03-2328.

Jaeger, J., Blagov, M., Kosman, D., Kozlov, K.N., Manu, Myasnikova, E., Surkova, S., Vanario-Alonso, C.E., Samsonova, M., Sharp, D.H., and Reinitz, J.  Dynamical analysis of regulatory interactions in the gap gene system of drosophila melanogaster.  Genetics 167: 1721-1737 (2004).

Jaeger, J., Surkova, S., Blagov, M., Janssens, H., Kosman, D., Kozlov, K.N., Manu, Myasnikova, E., Vanario-Alonso, C.E., Samsonova, M., Sharp, D.H., and Reinitz, J.  Dynamic control of positional information in the early drosophila embryo.  Nature 430: 368-371 (2004).

Jin, H., Liu, X.F., Lu, T., Cheng, B., Glimm, J., and Sharp, D.H.  Rayleigh-Taylor mixing rates for compressible flow. Phys. Fluids 17: 1-10 (2004). Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-04-06; LANL Report No. LA-UR-04-1384.  BNL-73848-2005-JA.

Johann, D.J., McGuigan, M.D., Tomov, S., Fusaro, V.A., Ross, S., Conrads, T.P., Veenstra, T.D., Fishman, D.A., Whiteley, G.R., Petricoin, E.F., and Liotta, L.A. Novel approaches to visualization and data mining reveal diagnostic information in the low amplitude region of serum mass spectra from ovarian cancer patients. Disease Markers 19: 197-207 (2004).

Johann, D.J., McGuigan, M.D., Tomov, S., Blum, E., Whiteley, G.R., Petricoin, E.F., and Liotta, L.A. Toward a Systems Biology Software Toolkit, 17th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, June 2004.

Johann, D.J., McGuigan, M.D., Patel, A.R., Tomov, S., Ross, S., Conrads, T.P., Veenstra, T.D., Fishman, D.A., Whiteley, G.R., Petricoin, E.F., and Liotta, L.A. Clinical proteomics and biomarker discovery. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1022: 295-306 (June 2004).

Lee, T., Yu, Y., Zhao, M., Glimm, J., Li, X., and Ye, K. Error analysis of composite shock interaction problems. Conference Proc. Ninth ASCE Joint Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability, submitted. Stony Brook University Preprint No. SUNYSB-AMS-04-08. BNL-72335-2004-CP. PDF Format.

Moges, M., Yu, D., and Robertazzi, T.G.  Grid scheduling divisible loads from multiple sources via linear programming.  Proc. IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2004), Cambridge, MA, Nov. 2004.

Samulyak, R. and Prykarpatskyy, Y. Richtmyer-Meshkov instability in liquid metal flows: influence of cavitation and magnetic fields. Mathematics and Computers in Simulations 65: 431-446 (2004).

Samulyak, R. , Lu, T., and Prykarpatskyy, Y. Direct and homogeneous numerical approaches to multiphase flows. Lecture Notes in Comp. Sci. 3039: 653-660 (2004).  BNL-74858-2005-BC.

Sivakumar, V., Bharadwaj, V., Yu, D., and Robertazzi, T.G.  Design and analysis of a dynamic scheduling strategy with resource estimation for large-scale grid systems.  Proc. 5th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grids 2004, Pittsburgh, PA, Nov. 2004.

Tomov, S., Bennett, R., McGuigan, M., Peskin, A., Smith, G., and Spiletic, J. Application of interactive parallel visualization for commodity-based clusters using visualization APIs. Computers & Graphics 28(2): 273-278 (2004).

Wu, L., Zhu, Y., Vogt, T. Su, H., Davenport, J. W., and Tafto, J. Valence electron-distribution in MgB2 by accurate diffraction measurements and first-principles calculations. Phys. Rev. B 69: 064501 (2004).

Zheng, J.-C. and Davenport, J.W. Ferromagnetism and stability of half-metallic MnSb and MnBi in the strained zinc-blende structure: Predictions from full potential and pseudopotential calculations. Phys. Rev. B 69: 144415-1 - 144445-9 (2004). BNL-72352-2004-JA.

Zhu, W., Volkow, N.D., Ma, Y., Fowler, J.S., and Wang, G-J. Relationships of ethanol induced changes in brain regional metabolism and motor, behavioral and cognitive functions. Alcohol and Alcoholism 39(1): 53-58 (2004).

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