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Robyn Angliss


Division Deputy Director


National Marine Mammal Laboratory





National Marine Mammal Laboratory
Alaska Fisheries Science Center/NOAA
7600 Sand Point Way N.E.
Seattle, WA 98115-6349

Current Activities

Robyn Angliss is the Deputy Director of the National Marine Mammal Laboratory. Robyn assists with NMML leadership responsibilities, provides oversight for daily NMML operations, and supervises NMML's administrative and information technology staff. She coordinates the development of the annual Alaska Marine Mammal Stock Assessment Reports, has been the Executive Secretary of the Alaska Scientific Review Group since 2001, and provides annual assessments of direct interactions between marine mammals and commercial fisheries. She is the NMML representative when NMFS works with the oil and gas industry to provide input on industry programs designed to monitor impacts on marine mammals in the Arctic. Robyn was recently appointed as the co-lead for NOAA for facilitating new research projects using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) in Alaska.


Robyn was a field biologist at NMML from 1989 to 1994 and participated in various surveys for bowhead whales, gray whales, harbor porpoise, killer whales, spotted seals, humpback whales, and Cook Inlet beluga whales. She worked for the Office of Protected Resources at NMFS Headquarters from 1994-1997 and returned to NMML in 1999. She received a B.S. in oceanography and a M.S. in fisheries from the University of Washington, and a Ph.D. in conservation biology from the University of Minnesota.

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