Search Dance/USA

We are the national service organization for professional dance.

We believe that dance is essential to a healthy society, demonstrating the infinite possibilities for human expression and potential, and facilitating communication within and across cultures.

Dance/USA sustains and advances professional dance by addressing the needs, concerns, and interests of artists, administrators and organizations. By providing services and national leadership, Dance/USA enhances the infrastructure for dance creation, education and dissemination.


Dance/USA is deeply grateful to DeWitt Stern Group for their support throughout the year and their generous sponsorship of the 2009 Honors Celebration.
Click here to learn more about DeWitt Stern’s insurance program for dance companies.

United We Serve

United We Serve
Post Volunteer Projects and Find Volunteers Here Read More

Emerging Leaders
Emerging Leaders
Dance/USA guides the field in addressing generational change in leadership.

Annual Conference Downloads
Annual Conference Downloads
Click here to access documents from our June conference!

International Export of American Dance
International Export of American Dance
Dance/USA Awarded Grant from Robert Sterling Clark Foundation to Develop Plan for International Export of American Dance.

Branch OfficesDance/NYCDance/Metro DCDance/USA Philadephia