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Office of Global Research (OGR)

The Office of Global Research (OGR) coordinates and supports collaborative international research programs which focus upon selected infectious diseases of substantial health importance in developing countries.

OGR maintains a comprehensive knowledge base of the Institute's research programs and policies and, in coordination with the Fogarty International Center (FIC), identifies relevant programs of other Federal domestic agencies, bilateral research agencies and organizations, multilateral research organizations, and voluntary agencies involved in international health activities. In this capacity, OGR advises the Institute Director on program relationships and opportunities for collaboration.

Responsibilities of OGR include:

  • Serving as the NIAID international research program's point of contact with the FIC, the World Health Organization, the State Department, and the Centers for Disease Control
  • Coordinating NIAID's intramural and extramural biomedical research on infectious and immunological diseases world-wide
  • Organizing and disseminating information on NIAID's international research activities, programs, and funding opportunities
  • Preparing NIAID's international activities reports and publications
  • Serving as the primary contact point for inquiries on international research
  • Advising and assisting NIAID staff on international activities
  • Providing information on international cultural and political dynamics and how these may affect scientific research 
  • Providing information about localized priority health concerns and the location, capacity, and ongoing activities of research facilities
  • Organizing and coordinating cross-cutting NIAID international activities that complement Division activities and address unmet needs
  • Supporting development, justification, negotiation, and administrative support to NIAID staff assigned overseas
  • Assisting with Division and NIAID OD international travel planning, justification, and coordination
  • Interacting with international scientists active in relevant areas of research and identifying scientists who may be potential participants in international collaborative research projects
  • Monitoring and facilitating NIAID-supported foreign awards and domestic awards with a foreign component and serving as liaison with FIC and concerned Divisions to ensure requests are addressed in a timely manner
  • Providing epidemiology services and technical support to NIAID international research projects and intramural and extramural staff assigned overseas, including hands-on assistance with study design, data management, analysis and interpretation, and ensuring high scientific standards for all epidemiological work undertaken
  • Engaging in developing an epidemiology research portfolio, with the expectation that researchers will disseminate their results at scientific meetings and in peer-reviewed journals

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The Edge of Discovery: A Portrait of NIAID (PDF)

FY 2010 Budget Congressional Justification (PDF)

NIAID 2007 Fact Book (PDF, 7.9MB)

Selected NIAID Science Advances, 2009 (PDF)

See Also

OGR Contact Information 

US-Japan Cooperative Medical Science Program


The Edge of Discovery: A Portrait of NIAID (PDF)

FY 2010 Budget Congressional Justification (PDF)

NIAID 2007 Fact Book (PDF, 7.9MB)

Selected NIAID Science Advances, 2009 (PDF)

See Also

OGR Contact Information 

US-Japan Cooperative Medical Science Program