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  Antarctica alumni cruise picphoto of balloon launch in AntarcticaPhoto of rain gaugepic of DOW2Plane used in M-PACE experiment in AlaskaResearch cruise ship

Department of Meteorology
Penn State University
503 Walker Building
University Park PA 16802-5013

Telephone:  814.865.0478
FAX: 814.865.9429

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Graduate Program (MS and PhD):

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Anne Thompson receives Faculty Mentoring Award at the EMS Wilson Banquet on April 19.



Aijun Deng and David Stauffer win award for "Outstanding Scientific Contribution" Dr. Stauffer and his research group presented a total of eleven papers at the Chemical and Biological Defense, Physical Science and Technology Conference, November 17 - 21 2008, in New Orleans, LA. [Full Story]



"Sea level rise alters Bay's salinity"
Research by Dr. Ray Najjar and colleagues at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science focuses on the Chesapeake Bay. [Read full story from Penn State Live.]



Penn State Meteorology's e-Education initiative in depth
. In the July 2008 issue of The Bulletin of The American Meteorological Society, Lee Grenci, David Babb, and Steve Seman provide a close look at the certificate program and its popularity among adult learners.

Read the article: "A Grand Experiment in e-Education: Offering Adult Students an Online Apprenticeship in Weather Forecasting"


Fortune Magazine highlights PSU Meteo alumnus Dan Guertin ('97 MS) and the growing trend of incorporating meteorology into business decision making. The article also mentions Penn States new Weather Risk Management option in Meteorology. [Read Article]


satellite image
Try a Sample Lesson!

Welcome to a sample lesson from Penn State's Certificate of Achievement in Weather Forecasting online program. In this tutorial you will learn about the resolution of satellite images and test your understanding of the concepts presented. After answering a question at the end, you'll find out how well you learned the material. Good luck and enjoy! [Sample Lesson]


graphic of weather mapPenn State Promotes Weather Awareness with Online Forecasting Courses

METEO 101: Understanding Weather Forecasting, quickly grew into one of the most popular courses in Penn State's online portfolio. A year after its launch, it was awarded the 2003 Meritorious Course award from the University Continuing Education Association. This success led to the advent of three more online meteorology courses, comprising a 12-credit Certificate of Achievement in Weather Forecasting Program. [Full Story]


Meteorology Strategic Plan for 2005-2008  View
EMS Strategic Plan for 2005-2008  View

Submit Your Accomplishments! Have you recently received a fellowship or scholarship? Have you been invited to give a lecture, named as a fellow of a professional society, or won a competition? We want to share your accomplishments with the rest of the Meteorology family. Please use the button below to send us the information or email:

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   Upcoming Events


More Info Coming Soon!
Mini-Workshop of Graduate Research

Statistical Decision Theory with Environmental Applications

Tuesday, May 5
10:10 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Location: To be announced

VIDEO: Dr. Chris Forest talks about climate
dynamics research at Penn State
(click the image above to view)


VIDEO: Dr. Jerry Harrington talks about cloud
and ice crystal research at Penn State.
(click the image above to view)


VIDEO: Dr. Raymond Najjar talks about ocean-
atmosphere interactioins
(click the image above to view)




Environmental study and atmospheric research in the Department of Meteorology spans the atmosphere, oceans, and their interplay with land, plants, and human activity. We study the fundamental properties of atmospheric and oceanic chemistry and transport; we develop combined modeling and observing systems for forecasting ozone and other pollutants and for predicting effects of future climates.

Modeling is done on computers in the department and in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences. Observations come from instruments, some designed and built by us, that are deployed either at local field sites or on towers, aircraft, and ships at locations all around the world. These individual efforts all contribute to one overall goal: to develop truly predictive models of Earth and its habitability.

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Meteorology's Weekly News Bulletin
Weekly Meteorology News Bulletin


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Have you recently received a fellowship or scholarship? Have you been invited to give a lecture, named as a fellow of a professional society, or won a competition? We want to share your accomplishments with the rest of the Meteorology family. Please use the button below (active on or before Sept. 21) to send us the information or email:

Submit Your Accomplishments Button

Fall 2009 Course Announcements

List of Meteorology Course Offerings for 2009-2010 (Posted 11-13-08)

List of Meteorology Course Offerings for 2008-2009 (Updated on 4-23-08!)


Spring 2010 Course Announcements

Link to College of Earth and Mineral Sciences Department of Meteorology wordmark