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Online Posting of EEO Complaint Data

The Act requires each Federal agency to post on its public web site summary statistical data relating to equal employment opportunity complaints filed against the agency. The agency must post data for the current fiscal year on a cumulative basis (year-to-date information), updated quarterly. An agency must also post year-end data for the five previous fiscal years for comparison purposes. The posting of EEO data on agency public web sites is intended to help Congress, Federal agencies, and the public assess whether and the extent to which agencies are living up to their equal employment opportunity responsibilities.

No FEAR Act Data (FY 2009 Quarterly Data)
No FEAR Act Cumulative Year End Trend Data (FY 2006 - 2008)

Fiscal Year 2006 is the first available year for data related to the equal employment opportunity (EEO) complaints filed against the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). The ODNI was established with enactment of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 on December 17, 2004, Public law 108-458. The first Director of national Intelligence (DNI), Ambassador John D. Negroponte, was confirmed by the Senate and sworn in on April 21, 2005. In January 2006, the DNI appointed the agency's first Chief, Intelligence Community EEO and Diversity, Mr. John Robinson, and tasked him with establishing internal processes within the ODNI while exercising the DNI's authority in the area of EEO and Diversity throughout the Intelligence Community. There were no complaints of discrimination processed at ODNI prior to FY 2006 and therefore there is no five-year trend data available for No FEAR posting as of yet.

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Online Posting of EEO Complaint Data

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