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Mayor's Office of Volunteerism & Engagement

MOVE helps recruit and connect available volunteers with the needs of the greater Albuquerque community.

What's Going On?

MOVE will host a brown bag lunch for volunteer managers on Tuesday, May 13, 2008.

Mayor's Office of Volunteerism & Engagement

Want to Volunteer in Albuquerque?

MOVE manages a web site that is hosted by the Points of Light Foundation.  The web site brings together volunteers with organizations who need volunteers. Search through our database and you're bound to find a way to help that takes advantage of your special talents.  If you don't find anything that suits you at this time, you can create a volunteer profile or contact the MOVE office to receive a weekly e-mail of volunteer opportunities.

How it Works

  • Read through the list of current volunteer opportunities.
  • Click on the one that interests you.

Mayor Martin J. Chavez volunteering at a local food shelter

The Mayor Supports MOVE

Mayor Martin J. Chávez firmly believes that volunteering is a necessary part of our lives. It is not only a nice thing to do, but it is critical to the health and compassion of a community. The cost of addressing our community's social concerns without volunteers would be immeasurable.

Please give serious consideration on how you can help to make a difference in our community. Quality of life in Albuquerque will be enhanced through your selfless efforts.

Let’s all get "on the MOVE!"

MOVE Details

The Mayor’s Office of Volunteerism and Engagement (MOVE) was established by Mayor Martin J. Chávez in 2005.

Groups that benefit from MOVE include nonprofit agencies and civic organizations. Help is provided for the arts, education, healthcare, homeless, children and families, seniors, the environment, and animals.

Move also provides volunteers in programs operated by the City of Albuquerque, such as parks, libraries, museums, senior centers and animal care centers.

The benefit of our City's volunteers is immeasurable. The estimated economic impact of volunteering in Albuquerque was at least $36 million in 2006.

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