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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Economic Development Department

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Welcome from Mayor Martin Chávez

Mayor ChavezAllow me to be the first to welcome you to the Economic Development Department's Web page. Whether you’re here because you’re thinking about doing business in Albuquerque, or you’re an outstanding local company looking to take that next step, Albuquerque has everything you need. Our great city boasts a diverse economic base, a vigorous high-tech industry, incomparable research institutions, an efficient transportation system, and a trained, friendly workforce. All of this, and blue skies too!

These wonderful attributes have earned Albuquerque top-notch rankings in Forbes, the Milken Institute’s Best Performing Cities Index, Inc. Magazine and many others. The Economic Development Department was created to help you,so explore the Web site and let us know how we can be of service.

- Mayor Martin J. Chávez

Our Mission

The City of Albuquerque's Economic Development Department (EDD) works to create, diversify and enhance job growth and to promote business development and stability. EDD supports business and the development community within city government and between city agencies. It also partners with other organizations to further economic development.

What's New?

Economic Guide CoverThe online edition of Central New Mexico Economic Guide Leaving, click for disclaimer takes an informed look at residential and business life in the greater Albuquerque area. You can read a virtual copy of the Central New Mexico Economic Guide magazine on your computer screen by clicking on the link.






Site Selection Magazine's Leaving, click for disclaimer recent article recognized Sandia Science & Technology Park for its continued success and incredible contributions to Albuquerque's economy. Sandia Science & Technology Park (SS&TP) was recognized by the Association of University Research Parks as its Outstanding Research Park of the Year for 2008. The link takes you to the Site Selection article.

Our Services

Business Recruitment, Retention and Expansion: EDD provides information and support to businesses wishing to relocate to Albuquerque and local businesses planning to expand. We work closely with Albuquerque Economic Development Inc. Leaving, click for disclaimer, city business groups, and other government entities.

Industrial Revenue Bonds: EDD manages the city’s industrial revenue bond program, working with the bond applicant, city legal staff and other city departments to support the process and help the applicant meet requirements. EDD prepares the staff analysis for the Albuquerque Development Commission and City Council and serves as the commission’s staff in project review. EDD also monitors compliance of IRB recipients. Also see Incentives.

Small Business Support: EDD helps small businesses by providing strategic advice and support. The department is involved in ongoing commercial revitalization in various city areas and serves as a clearinghouse of information on small-business programs, financing and resources.

International Trade Division: EDD facilitates international business and trade opportunities for Albuquerque companies. Services include assisting companies with market research, preparing companies to become export-ready, marketing Albuquerque’s technology and research capabilities to attract international business, leading trade missions and supporting international research collaborations.

Albuquerque Film Office: The Film Office offers free dependable assistance to filmmakers. The Film Office will act as a liaison with city agencies and assist in obtaining locations, equipment, and hotel accommodations.The office also acts as a liaison with city agencies and the state Film Office.

Tourism and Conventions: EDD works with Albuquerque Convention & Visitors Bureau Leaving, click for disclaimer and the Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Leaving, click for disclaimer and other local organizations to bring conventions and tourism to Albuquerque.

Major Partners: EDD has cooperative and/or contracting relationships with a number of business organizations in the city to foster job creation and economic prosperity for residents and businesses in Albuquerque.

Success Stories

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