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Industry Circular

Number: 54-20
Date: November 22, 1954


Internal Revenue Service

Washington 25, D.C.


Regulations Relating to Drawback on Distilled Spirits Used in Manufacturing Nonbeverage Products

Manufacturers of nonbeverage products and others concerned:

1. Drafts of proposed regulations concerning drawback on distilled spirits used in manufacturing nonbeverage products have been prepared to implement the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. If these proposals are approved by the Treasury Department, they will be published as a notice of proposed rule making in the Federal Register within the next few weeks.

2. The new regulations will be known as Part 197 (Drawback on Distilled Spirits Used in Manufacturing Nonbeverage Products), Title 26, Code of Federal Regulations. Drafts of the proposed regulations will be made available, prior to publication, upon request, to trade associations who represent, or whose membership consists primarily of, manufacturers of nonbeverage products. The supply will not be sufficient to furnish a copy to each manufacturer, but copies will be available for examination in offices of Assistant Regional Commissioners and Supervisors in Charge, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax. It must be understood that these preliminary drafts are subject to change upon, review, and that the notice of proposed rule making, which will appear in the Federal Register, may differ in some respects from this draft.

3. This procedure will enable interested persons to study the new regulations in advance of their publication as a notice of proposed rule making. This is particularly desirable since the notice will be published with a 15-day period for the filing of comments instead of the usual 30-day period; the shorter period was adopted to insure that the final regulations can be published as soon as possible to permit manufacturers of nonbeverage products to become familiar with the new regulations and to be prepared to conform therewith on January 1, 1955.

4. Detailed instructions as to actions necessary on the part of manufacturers of nonbeverage products to conform to the provisions of the new law and regulations will be provided (where deemed necessary) at a later date, either from the National Office or from the office of your Assistant Regional Commissioner, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax.

5. Inquiries in regard to this industry circular should refer to the number thereof and be addressed to the office of your Assistant Regional Commissioner, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax.


Dwight E. Avis
Director, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division IRS-11902

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