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Real Teens Ask: Can inhaling Sharpie markers make you high? | The Sara Bellum Blog

Real Teens Ask: Can inhaling Sharpie markers make you high?

Comments. 7 Comments

"Sniffing Markers Can Damage Your Brain."Lots of kids have questions about drugs. That’s why each year, NIDA scientists spend a day chatting online with high school students and answering their questions.

At our last Drug Facts Chat Day, mmmegan asked:

“can inhaling sharpies make you high?!?!?!”

According to NIDA’s scientists, the answer is yes. Permanent markers contain chemicals called solvents. When inhaled, these solvents can produce a “high.” Like alcohol, inhalants (including Sharpies) can cause slurred speech, lack of coordination, euphoria, and dizziness. Unfortunately, the chemicals that cause these effects can also make you sick, kill your brain cells, and damage your nerves.

Some people think inhalants aren’t “real drugs” because a lot of them are sold in grocery stores—stuff like cleaners, glue, and markers. Household products are safe, if you use them like you’re supposed to. But that doesn’t mean they’re okay to inhale! I mean, you wouldn’t drink drain cleaner, or squirt bug spray in your mouth, would you? The chemicals in inhalants can be very dangerous, especially to kids. It’s rare, but some kids have even died after a single session of inhaling chemical fumes. So it’s really true that inhalants can kill you.

You can read more real questions from kids at our NIDA Drug Facts Chat Day transcripts. And you can get more information on inhalants at NIDA’s website.

Posted: Wednesday, July 8 2009   Author: admin
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Category: Real Teens Ask

7 Responses to “ Real Teens Ask: Can inhaling Sharpie markers make you high? ”

  1. Rubs says:

    Sara is super cool

  2. NIDAwriter says:

    Why, thank you, Rubs!

  3. Bingo Tipps says:

    I cannot believe this will work!

  4. Vor Aion says:

    Sometimes it’s really that simple, isn’t it? I feel a little stupid for not thinking of this myself/earlier, though.

  5. Vera-Muellerson says:

    Great idea, but will this work over the long run?

  6. joe says:

    i got high off a sharpie one time, will i be okay? i dont do it anymore

  7. astaton says:

    Hi Joe,
    Thanks for the comment. This is a question we get fairly frequently. It’s great that you don’t do that anymore. From what I’ve read Sharpies are safe for use under normal conditions (like writing on things) but they do contain chemicals that should not be inhaled intentionally. Inhalants can cause some pretty nasty effects, especially when they’re done over long periods of time. Making a decision to not do that again was a good one. Here’s a link to more info on inhalants:

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