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The Sara Bellum Blog

The Sara Bellum Blog


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About the Sara Bellum Blog | The Sara Bellum Blog

About the Sara Bellum Blog

The Sara Bellum Blog is written by a team of NIDA scientists, science writers, and public health analysts of all ages. We connect you with the latest scientific research and news, so you can use that info to make healthy, smart decisions.

Sometimes it can be hard to know where to go for the truth about drugs. Here at NIDA, we learn from science—not from rumors or gossip. We have thousands of researchers around the world who study drug addiction and come up with ways to help people recover and live healthy lives. Every day, scientists and physicians discover more about how drugs affect your brain and body.

You owe it to yourself to ask the right questions, look for the facts, and think hard about what you find out and what it means for you. We’re here to help you do that.

If you think we’re doing a good job, spread the word! Share our link with your friends on Facebook using the button in the blog sidebar. Link to us on your blog or web page. Subscribe to our RSS feed. And if you read a post you really like, share it with your social networks using the “share” button at the bottom of each post.