Title 17--Commodity and Securities Exchanges



TEXT PDF250.1 Registration.
TEXT PDF250.2 Exemption of holding companies which are intrastate or predominantly operating companies.
TEXT PDF250.3 Exemption of certain banks.
TEXT PDF250.4 Exemption of certain brokers, dealers and underwriters.
TEXT PDF250.5 Exemption of certain foreign holding companies.
TEXT PDF250.6 Termination of exemptions.
TEXT PDF250.7 Companies deemed not to be electric or gas utility companies.
TEXT PDF250.8 Exemption of subsidiaries subject to jurisdiction of Interstate Commerce Commission.
TEXT PDF250.10 Effect of certain exemptions.
TEXT PDF250.11 Certain acquisitions by affiliates exempted from section 9(a)(2).
TEXT PDF250.12 Exemption of certain public utility companies from the definition of subsidiary companies of holding companies.
TEXT PDF250.14 Exemption of acquisitions of securities of power supply companies from section 9(a)(2) of the Act.
TEXT PDF250.15 Exemption of holding company and subsidiary companies under section 3(a)(2) of the Act.
TEXT PDF250.16 Exemption of non-utility subsidiaries and affiliates.
TEXT PDF250.20 Prescribed forms and amendments.
TEXT PDF250.21 Filing of documents.
TEXT PDF250.22 Applications and declarations.
TEXT PDF250.23 Procedure applicable to certain applications and declarations.
TEXT PDF250.24 Terms and conditions applicable to declarations and orders granting applications.
TEXT PDF250.25 Answers.
TEXT PDF250.26 Financial statement and recordkeeping requirements for registered holding companies and subsidiaries.
TEXT PDF250.27 Classification of accounts prescribed for utility companies not already subject thereto.
TEXT PDF250.28 Inconsistent financial statements.
TEXT PDF250.29 Filing of reports to State Commissions.
TEXT PDF250.40 Exemption of certain acquisitions from nonaffiliates.
TEXT PDF250.41 Exemption of public utility subsidiaries with respect to limited acquisition of utility assets.
TEXT PDF250.42 Acquisition, retirement and redemption of securities by the issuer thereof.
TEXT PDF250.43 Sales to affiliates.
TEXT PDF250.44 Sales of securities and assets.
TEXT PDF250.45 Loans, extensions of credit, donations and capital contributions to associate companies.
TEXT PDF250.46 Dividend declarations and payments on certain indebtedness.
TEXT PDF250.47 Exemption of public utility subsidiaries as to certain securities issued to the Rural Electrification Administration.
TEXT PDF250.48 Certain exemptions in connection with appliance sales and loans to officers or employees.
TEXT PDF250.49 Certain exemptions granted to non-utility subsidiaries.
TEXT PDF250.51 Acquisitions pursuant to preliminary agreements and invitation for tenders.
TEXT PDF250.52 Exemption of issue and sale of certain securities.
TEXT PDF250.53 Certain registered holding company financings in connection with the acquisition of one or more exempt wholesale generators.
TEXT PDF250.54 Effect of exempt wholesale generators on other transactions.
TEXT PDF250.57 Notices and reports to be filed under section 33.
TEXT PDF250.58 Exemption of investments in certain nonutility companies.
TEXT PDF250.60 Meaning of word ``authorization''.
TEXT PDF250.61 Solicitations other than in connection with a reorganization or transaction which is the subject of an application or declaration.
TEXT PDF250.62 Solicitations in connection with a reorganization or transaction which is the subject of an application or declaration.
TEXT PDF250.63 Approval of reorganization fees.
TEXT PDF250.64 Scope of applications for approval of reorganization plans.
TEXT PDF250.65 Expenditures in connection with solicitation of proxies.
TEXT PDF250.70 Exemptions from section 17(c) of the Act.
TEXT PDF250.71 Statements to be filed pursuant to section 12(i).
TEXT PDF250.72 Filing of statements pursuant to section 17(a).
TEXT PDF250.80 Definitions of terms used in rules under section 13.
TEXT PDF250.81 Exempted transactions.
TEXT PDF250.82 Temporary exemption from section 13.
TEXT PDF250.83 Exemption in the case of transactions with foreign associates.
TEXT PDF250.84 Prohibition of unauthorized transactions by registered holding companies.
TEXT PDF250.85 Service, sales, and construction by registered holding companies.
TEXT PDF250.86 Prohibition of unauthorized transactions by subsidiaries.
TEXT PDF250.87 Subsidiaries authorized to perform services or construction or to sell goods.
TEXT PDF250.88 Approval of mutual service companies; organization and conduct of business of subsidiary service companies.
TEXT PDF250.89 Termination of contracts.
TEXT PDF250.90 Transactions limited to cost.
TEXT PDF250.91 Determination of cost.
TEXT PDF250.92 Sales of goods produced by seller.
TEXT PDF250.93 Accounts and records of mutual and subsidiary service companies.
TEXT PDF250.94 Annual reports by mutual and subsidiary service companies.
TEXT PDF250.95 Reports required from affiliate service companies and companies principally engaged in performing services.
TEXT PDF250.100 Orders granting or withdrawing exemptions.
TEXT PDF250.101 Standards and interpretations of rules.
TEXT PDF250.102 Effective date of rules.
TEXT PDF250.103 References and definitions.
TEXT PDF250.103A Liability for certain statements by issuers.
TEXT PDF250.104 Public disclosure of information and objections thereto.
TEXT PDF250.105 Disclosure detrimental to the national defense or foreign policy.
TEXT PDF250.110 Small entities for purposes of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
