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AF/SG approved the 2009 Health Professions Education Requirements Board (HPERB) (formerly IFB).

The Medical Corps is soliciting applications for the 2009 Joint Service Graduate Medical Education Selection Board (JSGMESB).  Applicants may apply for a specialty, start date, and training location that were approved by the HPERB.  Please download the JSGMESB application for eligibility requirements, application suspense's, and instructions on submitting a GME application.

Upon receipt of core and supporting application documents, applicants will receive an updated email checklist regarding the status of their application. Do not respond to the email updates, as they will be automatically deleted. Telephonically contact your program manager with any questions.

Applicants must submit their original, signed "core" JSGMESB application by 4 September 2009.  Please note the JSGMESB application suspense's are firm deadlines.  Core applications not received by the deadline will be returned without action.  Please plan accordingly.

Important Note: The only documents authorized by the JSGMES Board President to provide to an active duty program director or consultant, for the official interview, are the 2-page DoD application and Curriculum Vitae. No other documents may be requested or submitted.

2009 HPERB (formerly IFB) ResultsClick here

2009 JSGMESB ApplicationsClick here

Family Medicine/Flight Medicine and Family Medicine RAM initiative Talking paperclick here

2008 Sample Scoring Sheets
(click here) and Guidance (click here)

(These Score Sheets/Guidance are from 2008 Selection board, as the 2009 forms are currently pending approval)

(We do not anticipate a significant difference in these forms from 2008 to 2009)


Physician Education Branch

550 C St West, Suite 25
Randolph AFB, TX 78150-4727

COMM: 210-565-2638
Toll Free: 1-800-531-5800
DSN: 665-2638
FAX: 210-565-2830

All areas:


Air Force GME Program Metrics

Air Force GME Brochure


If you are a premed student or medical student interested in receiving financial assistance for medical school---click here for more information.

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