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AAF Information

Field Campaigns

2008 Workshop

AAF Baseline Instruments

The following instruments represent available capabilities. The needs of each field campaign will be assessed and additional instruments may be added upon request.

Instrument Description Source/Supplier
Cloud Aerosol and Precipitation Spectrometer (CAPS) Measures cloud particle size distributions and liquid water content; mounted on canard hard point; uses PMS canister Droplet Measurement Technologies
CR-2 Frost Point Hygrometer Sterling engine cooled (-105oC) Buck Research
Dew Point Sensor Model 1011C Relative humidity; thermo-electric cooled (-50oC) Buck Research
Cloud Integrating Nephelometer Bulk measures of cloud extinction and asymmetry parameter Gerber Scientific
Nevzorov Probe Liquid water content/total water content Sky Tech Research Inc.
IRT Infrared Thermometer Heitronics
Cloud Particle Imager (CPI) High resolution images of ice crystals Stratton Park Engineering Company Inc.
Sandia Laser Hygrometer Relative humidity Instruments, LLC

For a list of instruments from past campaigns, see Airborne Observations.