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Albuquerque - Official City Website


Photo of the Rio Grande river under a beautiful blue skyThe City of Albuquerque’s $375 million San Juan-Chama Drinking Water Project will begin delivering water in 2008. 

The project involved building a 600-foot diversion dam on the Rio Grande, pumping water to a treatment plant and then piping treated water to reservoirs around the city. By using river water from the San Juan-Chama Diversion Project, which began in 1963, the city can relieve its historic dependence on wells. The new project will provide 70 percent of the city’s future water supply.

A modern plant that treat water with a combination of gravity settling, chemical treatment, ozonation, and activated carbon filtration technologies. As a final step, water will be disinfected with sodium hypochlorite, and fluoride will be added for dental health.

For this project, Albuquerque won a World Leadership Award in late 2006 from the World Leadership Forum. The prestigious international prize recognizes cities that have shown exceptional imagination, foresight or resilience in dealing with major challenges.

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