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Graffiti Removal

Why should I be concerned about graffiti?
Graffiti is a serious crime that impacts all members of the community. Removing graffiti and repairing the damage it causes costs community tax dollars. Properties can be devalued and business owners can lose customers from the negative image that graffiti generates. Moreover, the presence of graffiti can send the message that a community is in decline or over-ridden with crime.

How can I report graffiti?
You can help reduce graffiti by immediately reporting all graffiti sightings. The faster graffiti is cleaned up, the less it appears. Graffiti Removal's paint crews are on the job seven days a week to eradicate graffiti on public and private property free of charge. The crews either remove graffiti through water blasting or use computerized paint matching for graffiti paint-overs. To report graffiti anywhere within the city limits, call the Citizen Contact Center 24 hours a day by dialing 311, or report a graffiti sighting online.

What if I see someone committing graffiti vandalism?
While most graffiti is done by teens and young adults, graffiti vandalism is not just a harmless prank. Graffiti vandals are at increased risk of becoming involved in other criminal activity or being injured while "tagging" in dangerous locations. If you witness an act of graffiti vandalism in progress, call the Albuquerque Police Department's Telephone Reporting Unit at (505) 768-2030.

What else can I do to help fight graffiti?
The Solid Waste Management's Department offers a number of services and programs to help the community in the fight against graffiti. Prior to the formation of Graffiti Removal program, graffiti vandalism was a blight on our city. Now, through a combination of graffiti removal, enforcement of anti-graffiti laws, community education, and strong public support, graffiti vandalism is under control.

The Graffiti Removal program's success is due in part to an efficient, computerized routing system that targets high-risk areas for daily graffiti checks. The 311 Citizen Contact Center allows residents to report graffiti sightings anywhere with the city limits 24 hours a day. Graffiti removal crews then respond with state-of-the-art equipment to remove or paint over the graffiti.

The on-going success of the City of Albuquerque's Graffiti Removal Services has earned the program the honor of being selected for "Best Practice" recognition by the U.S. Conference of Mayors.

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