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Office of Performance Budgeting

Office of Performance Budgeting and Strategic Planning

Strategic Plan FY 2003-2008

Treasury Strategic Plan PDF Document
The Treasury Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2003-2008 is a corporate level plan for the Department. The individual Bureau Strategic Plans provide the operational framework for achieving the goals and objectives contained in the corporate plan. Collectively, the corporate plan and the more detailed bureau strategic plans provide a description of what the Department intends to accomplish over the next five years and how we intend to accomplish it. Individual bureau plans are accessible by clicking on the hyperlinks found in the Appendices on page B1.

Bureau Name Strategic Plan
Alcohol & Tobacco and Tax Trade .pdf PDF icon
Bureau of Engraving and Printing .pdf PDF icon
Bureau of Public Debt .html
Departmental Offices .pdf PDF icon
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network .pdf PDF icon
Financial Management Service .pdf PDF icon
Internal Revenue Service .pdf PDF icon
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency .pdf PDF icon
Office of Inspector General .pdf PDF icon
Office of Thrift Supervision .pdf PDF icon
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration .pdf PDF icon
U.S. Mint .pdf PDF icon

Last Updated: August 5, 2009


Budget Documents



Strategic Plans


President’s Management Agenda