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Regular maintenance:
  • Phoenix (X1) down at 8:00am on Wednesdays, target to be up by noon. Exceptions to the Wednesday downs are announced.

    Upcoming Events

    Expected Date Machine Event
    June 8 Ram Down from 8:00am to 5:00pm. During the outage, several power boards will be replaced and some patches will be installed.

    New on the Web

    Check out the CCS Institutes: Computational Biology Institute, Carbon and Climate Research Institute, Fusion Simulation Institute, and Materials Research Institute. The pages are still under construction, but will be adding more content soon.

    News archive

    Latest Performance Results

    For both general and application-specific benchmarks, check out results from Pat Worley.

    The Performance Evaluation folks also have an email reflector.

    Research Results

    Who are those folks running on Phoenix, Cheetah, Eagle, and Ram, and what are they doing? To find out, check out the combined projects list.

    Help Desk

    For help with the CCS machines, email

    2005 Past Events

    Date Machine Event
    May 25-26 Cheetah Down from 8:00am May 25 to 5:00pm May 26. Unexpected problems arising from the HPS upgrade caused GPFS to be down for an extended period of time.
    May 25 Phoenix Unicos/mp 3.0 will become the default OS. Down from 8 to 5.
    May 25 Ram Down from 8:00am to 5:00pm
    May 25 Cheetah Down from 8:00am to 5:00pm. A service pack for the High Performance Switch will be installed. The login node may occassionally be available, but do not expect to run jobs until after the downtime.
    May 25 HPSS Down from 8:00am to 10:00am
    May 18 Ram Down from 8:00 am to 5:00pm to replace failed DIMM and install security patches.
    May 18 Phoenix Testing of Unicos/mp 3.0 during downtime. Down from 8 to 5.
    May 11 Phoenix Testing of Unicos/mp 3.0 during downtime. Down from 8 to 5.
    May 4 Phoenix Testing of Unicos/mp 3.0 during downtime.
    April 25-26 Ram Unexpected downtimes - hardware problems. Down most of Monday and Tuesday.
    April 27 Ram Ram will be down for maintenance from 8:00am until 5:00pm
    Apr 20 Ram Ram was down for maintenance from 8:00am to 7:00pm.
    Apr 20 Phoenix Default PE changed to
    Apr 20 HPSS HPSS was down for maintenance from 8:00am to 9:30am.
    Apr 6 Ram Down for maintenance from 8:00am to 3:00pm. Installing a patch and testing some software.
    Mar 16 Ram Down for maintenance from 8:00am to noon. This downtime is necessary to replace some hardware, install a kernel patch and install a couple security patches.
    Mar 2 HPSS Down for maintenance Wednesday morning from 8:00am to 9:30am.
    Mar 2 Ram Down for maintenance from 9:00am to 1:00pm. A faulty DIMM will be replaced and patch10130 will be installed.
    Feb 23 Ram Down from 9:00am to noon to upgrade to ProPack 3 Service Pack 4, and install a security patch.
    Feb 23 Phoenix Upgrading OS to 2.5 from 2.4. For codes that have not been linked under 2.4 (i.e., 2.3 and earlier), they will not work under 2.5 without relinking them.
    Feb 18 Phoenix Programming Environment made available.
    Feb 13-16 Eagle Eagle did not return from the power outage over the weekend. It will be down through 11:00 am Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005.
    Feb 11-12 All of CCS There will be a site-wide power outage from 6:00pm Friday to 8:00pm Saturday - everything will be down. This is required to install new power panels for upcoming major upgrades to the CCS. We will take this opportunity to move all home directories from DFS to native NFS - no more dfs_login.
    Jan 26 Ram Down for hardware maintenance and security patches.
    Jan 19 Phoenix The default value of X1_NOFWP_HANDLER set to 1. Thus, users code encountering this rare situation will abort on the first call to the scalar emulation algorithm rather than possibly run 100 times slower than expected in scalar emulation mode.
    Jan 12 Ram Ram will be down from 8:00am to noon. During this downtime a faulty memory DIMM will be replaced and a security patch will be installed.

    Past years

    2004 Machine Events

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    Updated: Friday, 27-May-2005 10:47:29 EDT