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Bernalillo County - New Mexico
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"You Ought To Be Having Fun"

Bernalillo County Parks and Recreation is responsible for creating and providing Recreation, Leisure and Community Services necessary to promote public well being and quality of life for youth, adults, senior citizens and special populations of Bernalillo County.

111 Union Square
Albuquerque NM 87102
Monday - Friday, 8 am to 5 pm.

Leopold Legacy Film Series

The Leopold Legacy Film Series presents Restoring a Legacy at the Bosque School on August 29th.
6:40 pm: Doors Open
7:00pm: Kids and the Wilderness
Student film by Bosque School 2009 Graduate
7:20pm: Film Screening: “Restoring a Legacy” The Rio Grand Bosque
8:00pm: Bosque Ecosystem Management Program (BEMP) Activities
The 180 mile middle Rio Grande corridor is an ever changing natural delight and legacy. The film “Restoring a Legacy” highlights efforts by former US Senator Pete Domenici and current US Senator Jeff Bingaman is supporting some of the research, monitoring and habitat restoration projects along our beautiful river and Bosque (riverside forest).

Visit the beautiful Bosque School campus and see how the ‘Bosque Improvement Group”, a conglomeration of local organization and agencies, are working to restore and revitalize this necessary water resource and surround areas in “Restoring a Legacy” The Rio Grande Bosque.
For information about this showing, go to , or contact Kimi Scheerer at 505-898-6388
The Film Series, August to November, Free Admission to All Films

The Leopold Legacy Film Series is part of the year-long Aldo Leopold Legacy Centennial Celebration honoring Leopold’s arrival in New Mexico 100 years ago. The series features films that speak to his message of land ethics, wilderness management, ecology, and observations of nature as it pertains to today’s environmental issues in New Mexico and around the world.
The films range from looking at the ups and downs to sustainable farming to preserving the last of our precious water resources. Each screening delves into topics of environmental issues with additional activities such as guest speakers, discussions, and hands-on family fun.

Aldo Leopold Legacy Film Competition

Call for film submissions with a message of environmenal stewardship, sustainability, environmental justice, wilderness management, living with nature and related subjects.

Open to filmmakers of all ages.
Deadline for submissions is August 31, 2009.

Information Poster

Call Colleen Langan at 505-314-0398 for more information!

It's a Dog Day Afternoon! NEW DATE!

Sunday, August 30th at 5:00pm
(this event has been re-scheduled)

Bring your canine on a leash and come make a splash in the Los Padillas swimming pool on the last day of summer!

Information Flyer


Inclusion Programs

The Bernalillo County Parks and Recreation Department is committed to providing programs and services that are accessible to all residents of the County, regardless of ability. 

If you would like more information regarding accommodations for participants with disabilities, please contact Jeffrey Paul, Inclusion Manager, at 314-0414 or email

To find out more about our affiliated organizations that promote inclusive recreation,
please visit: 

Kids Included Together,

The National Inclusion Project,


Aldo Leopold Centennial Celebration 2009

Exciting things are happening! All activities are organized in coordination with BC Open Space partners including the La Placita Gardens and Hubbell House Alliance.

Schedule of Events

Please RSVP for all events by contacting Colleen Langan at or call 314-0398.