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Wednesday, May 27th, 2009
Office of Public Affairs

BIS Amends EAR to Address Security and Competitiveness Issues with Thermal Imaging Cameras

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) today published an amendment to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) that recalibrates controls on uncooled thermal imaging cameras to address security and competitiveness issues.  These cameras have commercial and military applications, including firefighting, predictive/ preventive maintenance, medical, perimeter monitoring, and targeting.

"This revision of the EAR will allow U.S. camera companies to more effectively compete in their major markets with foreign manufacturers while ensuring appropriate U.S. government review and oversight over commercial cameras used for military purposes," said Matthew S. Borman, Acting Assistant Secretary for Export Administration.  

Specifically, the EAR amendment:

  • recognizes the availability of foreign commercial cameras and streamlines controls on exports of certain levels of commercial uncooled thermal imaging cameras to destinations in the European Union and certain other Wassenaar members;
  • establishes a mechanism for streamlining controls on higher-level, civil consumer-ready commercial uncooled thermal imaging cameras; 
  • establishes a process for streamlining controls on commercial uncooled thermal imaging cameras to be incorporated into civil products by civil integrators; and
  • controls the reexport of foreign-made military products incorporating U.S. commercial uncooled thermal imaging cameras.

    BIS works to advance U.S. national security, foreign policy, and economic objectives by ensuring an effective export control and treaty compliance system and by promoting continued U.S. strategic technology leadership.


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