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Wednesday, May 20th, 2009
Office of Public Affairs

BIS Issues Defense Industrial Base Study of U.S. Industry's Capability to Design and Fabricate Integrated Circuits

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. companies retain broad domestic capability to create and manufacture integrated circuit products (IC) according to a comprehensive study released today by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS). The Department of Defense views IC design and fabrication as essential strategic capabilities needed to maintain U.S. technological advantage in weapons systems and other national security-related products.

"The study highlights industry's willingness to work with the national security community to develop and produce the information technology products the U.S. must have to meet and enhance our national security requirements," said Matthew S. Borman, Acting Assistant Secretary for Export Administration.  

"The data in this assessment will help inform U.S. Government agencies and commercial end-users of industry's capability to design and manufacture legacy and cutting-edge ICs," he added.

BIS initiated the study, Defense Industrial Base Assessment: U.S. Integrated Circuit Design and Fabrication Capability, in response to a Defense Science Board report that raised concerns about the overseas migration of critical microelectronics technical, human capital, and manufacturing capabilities.

Data collected by BIS from 49 fabrication and 106 design companies affirmed that the United States retains a broad infrastructure to create a range of conventional and radiation-resistant IC  devices using standard and non-standard semiconductor materials.  The assessment recommends that the Departments of Commerce and Defense monitor the health and competitiveness of the U.S. IC industry on a routine basis, and in particular the limited number of companies able to manufacture at cutting-edge technology nodes below 65 nanometers.  

Copies of the report are available on the BIS website, www.bis.doc.gov.


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