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 "RLPROF" VAP Process

Instrument Categories: Aerosols, Atmospheric Profiling, Derived Quantities and Models

Description: Raman LIDAR Vertical Profiles

Rlprof data flow diagram
Data flowchart for the RLPROF family. (Larger image available.)

The Raman lidar automatically attempts to reoptimize the position of the laser beam in the detector's field-of-view every few hours (this is required for most narrow field-of-view lidar systems). However, this can introduce alignment artifacts in the narrow field-of-view data due to the way the detection channels are arranged on the optical bench. A suite of vaps have been developed to reduce or remove any artifacts introduced in the narrow field-of-view data by these automatic self-alignment "tweaks." For more details, see each VAP process web page of the Raman Lidar Profiles: Aerosol Scattering Ratio, Best Estimate Product, Depolarization Ratio, Aerosol Extinction, Mixing Ratio and Merge.

For more details about the Raman Lidar preliminary quicklook images, see the calendar.

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