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 "MWRAVG" VAP Process

Instrument Categories: Derived Quantities and Models

Description: Microwave Radiometer Averages in 1- and 5-Minute Increments

This VAP averages the principal fields from the MWR ( 23.8 GHz sky brightness temperature, 31.4 GHz sky brightness temperature, Total water vapor along LOS path and Total liquid water along LOS path) over specified time intervals. The time interval is parsed from the name of the VAP. This VAP can be run on SGP CF/BF data, as well as TWP and NSA data. The option to create a Quick Look is also available. The IRT data has been removed from this VAP. The input and output files have changed due to the removal of IRT data.

For more details, see

Value-Added Products (VAPs) Produced

Primary Measurements

The following measurements are those considered scientifically relevant. Refer to the datastream (netcdf) file headers for the list of all available measurements, including those recorded for diagnostic or quality assurance purposes.

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