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Spare the Air Status

Friday 8/14

There is no Spare the Air alert in effect Today.

Spare the Air Car
Air District Fact

On theĀ Spare the Air days, the Air District urges residents to cut back on any activity that causes pollution. People sensitive to pollution, such as children and the elderly, are cautioned to limit outdoor exposure



Public Records

415 749-4761


415 779-4920

Full BAAQMD Directory

Public Records Request

You may now e-mail your requests:

The general public may review or obtain copies of Bay Area Air Quality Management District public documents by submitting a formal request to the District, pursuant to the California Public Records Request Act. The Public Record Section has a public records request form to facilitate the processing of public records act requests. Please complete the form in full- the more information submitted, the more accurate the response. The form identifies typical records available through the public records process. Remember, a document must be already existing, identifiable, and not subject to an exemption from disclosure pursuant to Government Code Section 6254. The District will acknowledge receipt of your public records request within ten (10) days of receipt.

Procedures for filing the Public Records Act Request

  • You may download a Public Records Request Form, or obtain one from the District.
  • Fill in the appropriate blanks starting with the requestor's information. Identify the company for which you seek information, including the name, address, facility ID and/or permit number, if known.
  • Specify a date range, if applicable.
  • Check the appropriate box for the desired records (3 per request)

    fax to 415-749-5111
    e-mail to
    mail to:
    Bay Area AQMD
    Public Records Coordinator
    939 Ellis Street
    San Francisco, CA 94109

For further information, call 415-749-4761.

  • California Public Records Act Request - Provide complete information regarding the requester
  • Records Request Form - Complete one form for each facility. Indicate the type(s) of records requested

All requests should be submitted using the Public Records Request Form.

Completed requests may be sent via email or via postal service to:
939 Ellis Street
San Francisco, California 94109
Fax: (415) 749-5111
Questions: (415) 749-4761