[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 5, Volume 3]
[Revised as of January 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 5CFR1320.18]

[Page 163-166]
Sec. 1320.18  Other authority.

    (a) OMB shall determine whether any collection of information or 
other matter is within the scope of the Act, or this Part.
    (b) In appropriate cases, after consultation with the agency, OMB 
may initiate a rulemaking proceeding to determine whether an agency's 
collection of information is consistent with statutory standards. Such 
proceedings shall be in accordance with the informal rulemaking 
procedures of the Administrative Procedure Act.
    (c) Each agency is responsible for complying with the information 
policies, principles, standards, and guidelines prescribed by OMB under 
this Act.
    (d) To the extent permitted by law, OMB may waive any requirements 
contained in this part.
    (e) Nothing in this part shall be interpreted to limit the authority 
of OMB under this Act, or any other law. Nothing in this part or this 
Act shall be interpreted as increasing or decreasing the authority of 
OMB with respect to the substantive policies and programs of the 

  Appendix A to Part 1320--Agencies With Delegated Review and Approval 

1. The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
    (a) Authority to review and approve collection of information 
requests, collection of information requirements, and collections of 
information in current rules is delegated to the Board of Governors of 
the Federal Reserve System.
    (1) This delegation does not include review and approval authority 
over any new collection of information or any modification to an 
existing collection of information that:
    (i) Is proposed to be collected as a result of a requirement or 
other mandate of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, 
or other Federal executive branch entities with authority to require the 
Board to conduct or sponsor a collection of information.
    (ii) Is objected to by another Federal agency on the grounds that 
agency requires information currently collected by the Board, that the 
currently collected information is being deleted from the collection, 
and the deletion will have a serious adverse impact on the agency's 
program, provided that such objection is certified to OMB by the head of 
the Federal agency involved, with a copy to the Board, before the end of 
the comment period specified by the Board on the Federal Register 
notices specified in paragraph (1)(3)(i) of this section 1.
    (iii) Would cause the burden of the information collections 
conducted or sponsored by the Board to exceed by the end of the fiscal 
year the Information Collection Budget allowance set by the Board and 
OMB for the fiscal year-end.
    (2) The Board may ask that OMB review and approve collections of 
information covered by this delegation.
    (3) In exercising delegated authority, the Board will:
    (i) Provide the public, to the extent possible and appropriate, with 
reasonable opportunity to comment on collections of information under 
review prior to taking final action approving the collection. Reasonable 
opportunity for public comment will include publishing a notice in the 
Federal Register informing the public of the proposed collection of 
information, announcing the beginning of a 60-day public comment period, 
and the availability of copies of the ``clearance package,'' to provide 
the public with the opportunity to comment. Such Federal Register 
notices shall also advise the public that they may also send a copy of 
their comments to the Federal Reserve Board and to the OMB/OIRA Desk 
    (A) Should the Board determine that a new collection of information 
or a change in an existing collection must be instituted quickly and 
that public participation in the approval process would defeat the 
purpose of the collection or substantially interfere with the Board's 
ability to perform its statutory obligation, the Board may temporarily 
approve of the collection of information for a period not to exceed 90 
days without providing opportunity for public comment.
    (B) At the earliest practical date after approving the temporary 
extension to the collection of information, the Board will publish a 
Federal Register notice informing the public of its approval of the 
collection of information and indicating why immediate action was 
necessary. In such cases, the Board will conduct a normal delegated 
review and publish a notice in the Federal Register soliciting public 
comment on the intention to extend the collection of information for a 
period not to exceed three years.
    (ii) Provide the OMB/OIRA Desk Officer for the Federal Reserve Board 
with a copy of the Board's Federal Register notice not later than the 
day the Board files the notice with the Office of the Federal Register.
    (iii) Assure that approved collections of information are reviewed 
not less frequently than once every three years, and that such reviews 
are normally conducted before the expiration date of the prior approval. 
Where the review has not been completed prior to

[[Page 164]]

the expiration date, the Board may extend the report, for up to three 
months, without public notice in order to complete the review and 
consequent revisions, if any. There may also be other circumstances in 
which the Board determines that a three-month extension without public 
notice is appropriate.
    (iv) Take every reasonable step to conduct the review established 
under 5 CFR 1320.8, including the seeking of public comment under 5 CFR 
1320.8(d). In determining whether to approve a collection of 
information, the Board will consider all comments received from the 
public and other agencies. The Board will not approve a collection of 
information that it determines does not satisfy the guidelines set forth 
in 5 CFR 1320.5(d)(2), unless it determines that departure from these 
guidelines is necessary to satisfy statutory requirements or other 
substantial need.
    (v)(A) Assure that each approved collection of information displays, 
as required by 5 CFR 1320.6, a currently valid OMB control number and 
the fact that a person is not required to respond to a collection of 
information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
    (B) Assure that all collections of information, except those 
contained in regulations, display the expiration date of the approval, 
or, in case the expiration date has been omitted, explain the decision 
that it would not be appropriate, under 5 CFR 1320.5(a)(1)(iii)(C), for 
a proposed collection of information to display an expiration date.
    (C) Assure that each collection of information, as required by 5 CFR 
1320.8(b)(3), informs and provides fair notice to the potential 
respondents of why the information is being collected; the way in which 
such information is to be used; the estimated burden; whether responses 
are voluntary, required to obtain or retain a benefit, or mandatory; the 
confidentiality to be provided; and the fact that an agency may not 
conduct or sponsor, and the respondent is not required to respond to, a 
collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB 
control number.
    (vi) Assure that each approved collection of information, together 
with a completed form OMB 83-I, a supporting statement, a copy of each 
comment received from the public and other agencies in response to the 
Board's Federal Register notice or a summary of these comments, the 
certification required by 5 CFR 1320.9, and a certification that the 
Board has approved of the collection of information in accordance with 
the provisions of this delegation is transmitted to OMB for 
incorporation into OMB's public docket files. Such transmittal shall be 
made as soon as practical after the Board has taken final action 
approving the collection. However, no collection of information may be 
instituted until the Board has delivered this transmittal to OMB.
    (b) OMB will:
    (1) Provide the Board in advance with a block of control numbers 
which the Board will assign in sequential order to and display on, new 
collections of information.
    (2) Provide a written notice of action to the Board indicating that 
the Board approvals of collections of information that have been 
received by OMB and incorporated into OMB's public docket files and an 
inventory of currently approved collections of information.
    (3) Review any collection of information referred by the Board in 
accordance with the provisions of section 1(a)(2) of this Appendix.
    (c) OMB may review the Board's paperwork review process under the 
delegation. The Board will cooperate in carrying out such a review. The 
Board will respond to any recommendations resulting from such review 
and, if it finds the recommendations to be appropriate, will either 
accept the recommendations or propose an alternative approach to achieve 
the intended purpose.
    (d) This delegation may, as provided by 5 CFR 1320.16(c), be 
limited, conditioned, or rescinded, in whole or in part at any time. OMB 
will exercise this authority only in unusual circumstances and, in those 
rare instances, will do so, subject to the provisions of 5 CFR 
1320.10(f) and 1320.10(g), prior to the expiration of the time period 
set for public comment in the Board's Federal Register notices and 
generally only if:
    (1) Prior to the commencement of a Board review (e.g., during the 
review for the Information Collection Budget). OMB has notified the 
Board that it intends to review a specific new proposal for the 
collection of information or the continued use (with or without 
modification) of an existing collection;
    (2) There is substantial public objection to a proposed information 
collection: or
    (3) OMB determines that a substantially inadequate and inappropriate 
lead time has been provided between the final announcement date of the 
proposed requirement and the first date when the information is to be 
submitted or disclosed. When OMB exercises this authority it will 
consider that the period of its review began the date that OMB received 
the Federal Register notice provided for in section 1(a)(3)(i) of this 
    (e) Where OMB conducts a review of a Board information collection 
proposal under section 1(a)(1), 1(a)(2), or 1(d) of this Appendix, the 
provisions of 5 CFR 1320.13 continue to apply.

2. The Managing Director of the Federal Communications Commission

    (a) Authority to review and approve currently valid (OMB-approved) 
collections of

[[Page 165]]

information, including collections of information contained in existing 
rules, that have a total annual burden of 5,000 hours or less and a 
burden of less than 500 hours per respondent is delegated to the 
Managing Director of the Federal Communications Commission.
    (1) This delegation does not include review and approval authority 
over any new collection of information, any collections whose approval 
has lapsed, any substantive or material modification to existing 
collections, any reauthorization of information collections employing 
statistical methods, or any information collections that exceed a total 
annual burden of 5,000 hours or an estimated burden of 500 hours per 
    (2) The Managing Director may ask that OMB review and approve 
collections of information covered by the delegation.
    (3) In exercising delegated authority, the Managing Director will:
    (i) Provide the public, to the extent possible and appropriate, with 
reasonable opportunity to comment on collections of information under 
review prior to taking final action on reauthorizing an existing 
collection. Reasonable opportunity for public comment will include 
publishing a notice in the Federal Register and an FCC Public Notice 
informing the public that a collection of information is being extended 
and announcing the beginning of a 60-day comment period, notifying the 
public of the ``intent to extend an information collection,'' and 
providing the public with the opportunity to comment on the need for the 
information, its practicality, the accuracy of the agency's burden 
estimate, and on ways to minimize burden, including the use of 
automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection 
techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting 
electronic submission of responses. Such notices shall advise the public 
that they may also send a copy of their comments to the OMB/Office of 
Information and Regulatory Affairs desk officer for the Commission.
    (A) Should the Managing Director determine that a collection of 
information that falls within the scope of this delegation must be 
reauthorized quickly and that public participation in the 
reauthorization process interferes with the Commission's ability to 
perform its statutory obligation, the Managing Director may temporarily 
reauthorize the extension of an information collection, for a period not 
to exceed 90 days, without providing opportunity for public comment.
    (B) At the earliest practical date after granting this temporary 
extension to an information collection, the Managing Director will 
conduct a normal delegated review and publish a Federal Register notice 
soliciting public comment on its intention to extend the collection of 
information for a period not to exceed three years.
    (ii) Assure that approved collections of information are reviewed 
not less frequently than once every three years and that such reviews 
are conducted before the expiration date of the prior approval. When the 
review is not completed prior to the expiration date, the Managing 
Director will submit the lapsed information collection to OMB for review 
and reauthorization.
    (iii) Assure that each reauthorized collection of information 
displays an OMB control number and, except for those contained in 
regulations or specifically designated by OMB, displays the expiration 
date of the approval.
    (iv) Inform and provide fair notice to the potential respondents, as 
required by 5 CFR 1320.8(b)(3), of why the information is being 
collected; the way in which such information is to be used; the 
estimated burden; whether responses are voluntary, required, required to 
obtain or retain a benefit, or mandatory; the confidentiality to be 
provided; and the fact that an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and 
the respondent is not required to respond to, a collection of 
information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
    (v) Transmit to OMB for incorporation into OMB's public docket 
files, a report of delegated approval certifying that the Managing 
Director has reauthorized each collection of information in accordance 
with the provisions of this delegation. The Managing Director shall also 
make the certification required by 5 CFR 1320.9, e.g., that the approved 
collection of information reduces to the extent practicable and 
appropriate, the burden on respondents, including, for small business, 
local government, and other small entities, the use of the techniques 
outlined in the Regulatory Flexibility Act. Such transmittals shall be 
made no later than 15 days after the Managing Director has taken final 
action reauthorizing the extension of an information collection.
    (vi) Ensure that the personnel in the Commission's functional 
bureaus and offices responsible for managing information collections 
receive periodic training on procedures related to meeting the 
requirements of this part and the Act.
    (b) OMB will:
    (1) Provide notice to the Commission acknowledging receipt of the 
report of delegated approval and its incorporation into OMB's public 
docket files and inventory of currently approved collections of 
    (2) Act upon any request by the Commission to review a collection of 
information referred by the Commission in accordance with the provisions 
of section 2(a)(2) of this appendix.
    (3) Periodically assess, at its discretion, the Commission's 
paperwork review process as administered under the delegation. The

[[Page 166]]

Managing Director will cooperate in carrying out such an assessment. The 
Managing Director will respond to any recommendations resulting from 
such a review and, if it finds the recommendations to be appropriate, 
will either accept the recommendation or propose an alternative approach 
to achieve the intended purpose.
    (c) This delegation may, as provided by 5 CFR 1320.16(c), be 
limited, conditioned, or rescinded, in whole or in part at any time. OMB 
will exercise this authority only in unusual circumstances.

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