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Sallie Rosen Kaplan Postdoctoral Fellowship for Women Scientists in Cancer Research at the National Cancer Institute


About Sallie Rosen Kaplan

Frequently Asked Questions


How to Apply

Contact Information


The Sallie Rosen Kaplan Fellowship for Women Scientists in Cancer Research at the National Cancer Institute is made possible by a generous bequest to the Foundation for NIH (FNIH). This is a competitive program for female postdoctoral fellows applying to train in any of the National Cancer Institute's intramural research settings, including basic, clinical, epidemiological, and prevention sciences. Fellows are supported by a Cancer Research Training Award (CRTA), with an augmented stipend for women in the first year provided by the FNIH.

About Sallie Rosen Kaplan

The Sallie Rosen Kaplan Fellowship for Women Scientists in Cancer Research was established in 2000 through the estate of Sallie Rosen Kaplan.

Mrs. Kaplan was deeply committed to education. A graduate of a Weehawken, New Jersey high school, she was accepted at the University of Michigan, but was unable to enroll and attend due to family responsibilities. She helped her family while her two older brothers attended college and law school. Later, after marriage to George Kaplan, a lawyer, Mrs. Kaplan assisted as a legal aide in his law practice. Although she could not pursue her own education to the extent that she wished, Mrs. Kaplan had a deep, abiding interest in the education of her family members and especially of women.

In creating the terms of her bequest, Mrs. Kaplan's intent was to help support biomedical research at the National Institutes of Health. The Sallie Rosen Kaplan Fellowship for Women Scientists in Cancer Research was established to fund a post-doctoral fellowship, and is awarded annually.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Where is the SRK postdoctoral fellowship geographically located?
    The fellowship is for postdoctoral fellows applying to train in any of the National Cancer Institute's intramural research settings.  NCI facilities are located in the Maryland cities of Bethesda, Rockville, Gaithersburg, and Frederick. 
  2. Is the SRK fellowship only open to Ph.D. postdoctoral fellows?
    The SRK fellowship is open to any female candidate who has earned a doctorate degree within the past five years, including but not limited to the Ph.D., M.D., and Dr.PH.  Current doctoral students are eligible to apply, but all degree requirements must be completed prior to the beginning of the fellowship.  Current and former NCI postdoctoral fellows are not eligible to apply.  Candidates must be U.S. citizens or have U.S. permanent residency (green card.)
  3. Is the Kaplan Fellowship intended only for recent graduates with doctoral degrees?
    No. While the doctorate must have been earned within the past five years, the postdoctoral fellowship experience at the NCI can serve as a first postdoctoral training assignment, or offer more experienced postdoctoral scientists an opportunity to further their training in more advanced methods, to acquire new research capabilities, to make changes in the direction of their research, or to receive training in fundamental sciences and clinical disciplines for the purpose of enhancing the transfer of biotechnology to cancer clinical programs.
  4. What is the duration of the fellowship?
    The program duration is normally two to five years.  However, the Sallie Rosen Kaplan Fellowship is a one-time stipend augmentation awarded in a lump sum to the SRK fellow in the first year of her fellowship.  The amount of that first-year stipend augmentation will depend upon the available bequest income and number of Kaplan Fellows selected, but has averaged $10,000 in the past. 
  5. What is the starting date for the fellowship?
    To be eligible for the 2010 Kaplan Fellowship opportunity, the starting date of any CRTA fellowship must be no earlier than December 14, 2009 and no later than April 30, 2011. 
  6. What is the financial value of the SRK Fellowship?
    Primary support of the postdoctoral fellow is through a Cancer Research Training Award (CRTA).  The stipend range for the CRTA fellowship is $44,600 to $82,400, commensurate with level of experience.  The Sallie Rosen Kaplan Fellowship is a one-time stipend augmentation awarded in a lump sum to the SRK fellow in the first year of her fellowship.  The amount of that first-year stipend augmentation will depend upon the available bequest income and number of Kaplan Fellows selected, but has averaged $10,000 in the past. 
  7. Is health insurance provided for postdoctoral fellows?
    Yes.  Standard self and family health insurance is provided and high option coverage is available.  The high option coverage is at a modest cost to the fellow.
  8. May I apply concurrently for other NCI fellowships?
    Yes.  You may apply concurrently for this and other NCI postdoctoral fellowships.  While not required, applicants are encouraged to make contact with prospective mentors in advance of being awarded the SRK fellowship. 
  9. Where can I find information about the CRTA fellowship and possible laboratory placements?
    General information about the CRTA can be found here:
    That link will also lead you to listings of current CRTA postdoctoral openings (See "Application Procedures" in the last paragraph.)  You are encouraged  to review those listings in order to determine if there are research opportunities in areas of interest to you.  We also encourage you to visit the website of the NCI Center for Cancer Research (CCR) and view the lab, branch, and program index there at  You'll find information there on the laboratories and branches within CCR and you may begin to identify investigators that might be working in an area of research that you would find interesting.  There is a search engine on that page that you might find helpful to search for keywords.  You may contact investigators directly to discuss possible opportunities, even if they do not have a postdoctoral opening currently advertised on the training website listed above.
    Information about research conducted in NCI's Division of Cancer Epidemiology & Genetics can be found at, and information about fellowships in that division is found here:
  10. Are references required?
    Yes.  Three letters of reference are required.  You are responsible for asking your references to submit letters on your behalf.  Letters of reference are due no later than January 4, 2010.  If you are eligible for the fellowship, your references will also receive an e-mail request for a letter of recommendation after you have submitted your on-line application at They will be asked to send the letter of recommendation to the SRK fellowship coordinator in hard copy on letterhead, in addition to submitting the reference on-line.
  11. When are the SRK winners selected and announced?
    Selection is a two-stage process.  After review of  applications is conducted by a committee composed of NCI intramural scientists, the pool of applicants is narrowed to a group of finalists.  These finalists are notified by March 2010 and invited to visit the NCI and meet with prospective laboratories.  Final winners are selected from that pool of finalists, and announced by May 2010. 


Candidates for the Sallie Rosen Kaplan Fellowship for Women Scientists in Cancer Research must meet the following basic requirements:

  • Must be female.

  • Must possess a doctoral degree earned within the last five years.

  • Must be a U.S. citizen or have U.S. permanent residency (green card) at the time of appointment.

Current doctorate students are eligible to apply if their degree requirements will be completed prior to the beginning of the fellowship.

Current and former NCI postdoctoral fellows are not eligible to apply.

How to Apply

You may apply concurrently for this and other NCI postdoctoral fellowships.  While not required, applicants are encouraged to make contact with prospective mentors in advance of being awarded the SRK Fellowship.

Applications must be submitted on-line by Friday, December 11, 2009.  Letters of reference are due no later than Monday, January 4, 2010. 

To apply, go to
Scroll down until you find the listing for the Sallie Rosen Kaplan Fellowship, and click "View."   Click the "Apply" button at the bottom of the ad listing, and follow the directions from there. 

Applicants must provide:

  1. CV with bibliography of publications.  Please also e-mail your CV to
  2. A one page personal statement (400-500 words) addressing the Review Criteria (a,b,c,d) below:
    1. Education and previous research experience
    2. Motivation and interest in biomedical research
    3. Relevance of research interest to human cancer
    4. Career goals
  3. Special Consideration: (less than 150 words).  Though not a requirement for either application or award, special consideration will be given to candidates who come from a disadvantaged background.  If you feel that the situation(s) mentioned below are applicable and you desire special consideration under this provision, please provide a statement which fully explains how you qualify under item a or b or both. Disadvantaged background means that you come from either:
    1. a family with an annual income ranging from below $20,800 for a one-person family to below $71,200 for a family of eight (adjusted periodically and published in the Federal Register) OR
    2. an environment (obstacles-cultural, family situation, disabilities or educational barriers) that inhibited, but did not prevent you from obtaining the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to attain a doctoral degree.
  4. Name, address, telephone number and email address of three references who are familiar with your academic and research achievements, and your potential to pursue a scientific career.

Contact Information

If you have questions concerning the SRK Fellowship or the application process, please send an email to or contact Ms. Sandy Koeneman, the SRK Fellowship Coordinator, in the NCI Office of the Director at 301-496-0807, or

You may also contact Ms. Koeneman at the following address:

Ms. Sandy Koeneman
Office of the Director
National Cancer Institute
31 Center Drive, Room 11A35
Bethesda, Maryland 20892