[Federal Register: August 13, 2009 (Volume 74, Number 155)]
[Page 40817-40818]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]




Notice of a Regional Waiver of Section 1605 (Buy American 
Requirement) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 
(ARRA) to the City of Ocean Shores (the City), Washington for the 
Purchase of Resin Beads (Miex[supreg] DOC Resin) Manufactured Outside 
of the United States Under the Section 1605 Waiver Authority Based on 
the Conclusion That Iron, Steel, and the Relevant Manufactured Goods 
Are Not Produced in the United States in Sufficient and Reasonably 
Available Quantities and of a Satisfactory Quality

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Acting Regional Administrator of EPA Region 10, is hereby 
granting a waiver of the Buy America requirements of ARRA Section 1605 
under the authority of Section 1605(b)(2) [manufactured goods are not 
produced in the United States in sufficient and reasonably available 
quantities and of a satisfactory quality] to the City for the purchase 
of resin beads (MIEX[supreg] DOC Resin) supplied by Orica Ltd, in 
Victoria, Australia and manufactured in Australia. The applicant 
indicates that MIEX[supreg] DOC Resin is necessary to the MIEX[supreg] 
process, a treatment process evaluated in pilot studies and selected 
for implementation. While the majority of other equipment is 
manufactured in the U.S., the MIEX[supreg] DOC Resin is only 
manufactured in Australia. It is patented and no alternative exists 
which can be used with the MIEX[supreg] process. The Acting Regional 
Administrator is making this determination based on the review and 
recommendations of the Drinking Water Unit. The City has provided 
sufficient documentation to support their request.

DATES: Effective Date: July 24, 2009.

Drinking Water Unit (DWU), Office of Water & Watersheds (OWW), (206) 
553-8504, U.S. EPA Region 10 (OWW-136), 1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 900, 
Seattle, WA 98101.

    In accordance with ARRA Section 1605(c), the EPA hereby provides 
notice that it is granting a project waiver of the requirements of 
Section 1605(b)(2) of Public Law 111-5, Buy American requirements, to 
the City for the acquisition of resin beads (MIEX[supreg] DOC Resin) 
supplied by Orica Ltd, in Victoria, Australia and manufactured in 
Australia. The applicant indicates that MIEX[supreg] DOC Resin is 
necessary to the MIEX[supreg] process, a treatment process evaluated in 
pilot studies at the City and selected for use. While the majority of 
other equipment is manufactured in the U.S., the MIEX[supreg] DOC Resin 
is only manufactured in Australia. It is patented and no alternative 
exists which can be used with the MIEX[supreg] process. Section 1605 of 
the ARRA requires that none of the appropriated funds may be used for 
the construction, alteration, maintenance, or repair of a public 
building or public work unless all of the iron, steel, and manufactured 
goods used in the project is produced in the United States unless a 
waiver is provided to the recipient by EPA. A waiver may be provided if 
EPA determines that (1) applying these requirements would be 
inconsistent with public interest; (2) iron, steel, and the relevant 
manufactured goods are not produced in the United States in sufficient 
and reasonably available quantities and of a satisfactory quality; or 
(3) inclusion of iron, steel, and the relevant manufactured goods 
produced in the United States will increase the cost of the overall 
project by more than 25 percent.
    The construction project being undertaken by the City is treatment 
of water from a shallow aquifer, which contains problematic levels of 
iron, manganese, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, organic nitrogen, and 
organic carbon. Based on the results of pilot studies, the City chose 
to use a combination of greensand filtration and the MIEX[supreg] 
process to treat this water supply. The community chose this treatment 
process over the alternatives of ultrafiltration or nanofiltration 
because the capital costs are significantly lower, the electrical 
consumption is significantly less, and there is much less water wasted 
during the treatment process.
    The City's submission clearly articulates entirely reasonable 
reasons for choosing the type of technology that it chose for this 
project and has provided sufficient documentation that the relevant 
manufactured goods are not produced in the United States in sufficient 
and reasonably available quantity and of a satisfactory quality to meet 
its technical specifications.
    The April 28, 2009 EPA HQ Memorandum, Implementation of Buy 
American provisions of Pubilc Law 111-5, the ``American Recovery and 
Reinvestment Act of 2009'', defines ``reasonably available quantity'' 
as the quantity of iron, steel, or relevant manufactured good is 
available or will be available at the time needed and place needed, and 
in the proper form or specification as specified in the project plans 
and design. The City has incorporated specific technical design 
features for the proposed project based on pilot studies which 
demonstrated that the combination of greensand filtration and MIEX 
treatment is the best alternative.
    The City has provided information to the EPA representing that 
there are currently no resin beads manufactured in the United States 
that have the exact same product specifications in place. The City has 
also provided certification from its supplier representing that there 
are no beads of comparable quality available from a domestic 
manufacturer to meet its exact specifications.
    Based on additional research by EPA's consulting contractor 
(Cadmus), and to the best of the Region's knowledge at this time, there 
does not appear to be other resin beads available to meet the City's 
    Furthermore, the purpose of the ARRA provisions was to stimulate 
economic recovery by funding current infrastructure construction, not 
to delay projects that are already shovel ready by requiring entities, 
like the City, to revise their design and potentially choose a more 
costly and less efficient project. The imposition of ARRA Buy American 
requirements on such projects eligible

[[Page 40818]]

for DWSRF assistance would result in unreasonable delay and thus 
displace the ``shovel ready'' status for this project. To further delay 
construction is in direct conflict with the most fundamental economic 
purposes of ARRA; to create or retain jobs.
    The Drinking Water Unit (DWU) has reviewed this waiver request and 
has determined that the supporting documentation provided by the City 
is sufficient to meet the following criteria listed under Section 
1605(b) and in the April 28, 2009, Implementation of Buy American 
provisions of Public Law 111-5, the ``American Recovery and 
Reinvestment Act of 2009'' Memorandum: Iron, steel, and the 
manufactured goods are not produced in the United States in sufficient 
and reasonably available quantities and of a satisfactory quality.
    The basis for this project waiver is the authorization provided in 
Section 1605(b)(2), due to the lack of production of this product in 
the United States in sufficient and reasonably available quantities and 
of a satisfactory quality in order to meet the City's design 
    The March 31, 2009 Delegation of Authority Memorandum provided 
Regional Administrators with the authority to issue exceptions to 
Section 1605 of ARRA within the geographic boundaries of their 
respective regions and with respect to requests by individual grant 
    Having established both a proper basis to specify the particular 
good required for this project, and that this manufactured good was not 
available from a producer in the United States, the City is hereby 
granted a waiver from the Buy American requirements of Section 1605(a) 
of Public Law 111-5 for the purchase of resin beads (MIEX[supreg] DOC 
Resin) supplied by Orica Ltd, in Victoria, Australia and manufactured 
in Australia as specified in the City's request of June 26, 2009. This 
supplementary information constitutes the detailed written 
justification required by Section 1605(c) for waivers based on a 
finding under subsection (b).

    Authority:  Pubic Law 111-5, section 1605.

    Issued on: July 28, 2009.
Michelle Pirzadeh,
Acting Regional Administrator, EPA, Region 10.
[FR Doc. E9-19465 Filed 8-12-09; 8:45 am]