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Current ageing requests for AFSC Age and Growth Program

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Age Requests Page

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Group A ages Bering Sea and Aleutian Island walleye pollock, rockfish, and forage fish.
Group B ages flatfish, Gulf of Alaska walleye pollock, Pacific cod, Atka mackerel, sablefish, and sculpins.
Group C specializes in difficult species, including giant grenadier and shortraker rockfish.

Requests in queue are collections that have been requested for ageing and may or may not be ready. Requests that aren't ready will be given comments describing what is still needed.

Requests in the Currently Ageing category are actively being read or are in the edit process.

Released collections are requests that have been aged, edited, and the data has been sent out to the user and RACEBASE or NORPAC if applicable. Requests are moved into this category when all collections are released. Current and previous year requests are shown.

The "number read" column is a count of ages entered into in the AGEDATA database that are given a single age. Ranged specimens or ones deemed unageable are not counted.

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