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Spare the Air Status

Thursday 10/22

There is no Spare the Air alert in effect Today.

Friday 10/23

There is no Spare the Air alert in effect Tomorrow.

Recreation Area
Solano County
Air Quality Fact

The earth’s surface and ocean temperatures are rising, with the 1990’s the warmest decade on record. Today, most scientists agree that man made (or anthropogenic) sources of greenhouse gases are, at least partly, to blame. The largest source of greenhouse gases in the Bay Area is mobile sources. Carbon dioxide is the most abundant of the greenhouse gases; however, other gases like methane and nitrous oxide are also involved.



Communications and Outreach

(415) 749-4900

Full BAAQMD Directory


The Air District prepares a variety of brochures, flyers, handbooks, and other publications of a general nature that provide information about air quality issues, regulations and operating policies.

To order copies of these free publications call the Outreach & Incentives Office at (415) 749-4900.

Clean Air Journey
Reducing Wood Smoke