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More Speeches and Presentations by the NSF Director

2008  |  2007  |  2006  |  2005  |  2004


December 1, 2008
"Engineers as Strategic Visionaries"
Brasilia, Brazil

November 3, 2008
"Energy, Environment and Economy: Can Science Help?", University of Toledo
Toledo, Ohio

June 27, 2008
"Our Water, Our Future," Forum on Cutting-Edge Technologies for Water Services: Applications in Africa, U.S. State Department, Loy Henderson Room
Washington, DC

June 11, 2008
NSF Awards Ceremony, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Building
Arlington, Virginia

June 7, 2008
"Pay it Forward," Graduate Commencement Address, University of California, Irvine
Irvine, California

May 31, 2008
"Commencement: It's Only the Beginning," Commencement Address, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Aurora, Illinois

May 20, 2008
"Climate Change: Challenges and Priorities for Basic Research"
Tokyo, Japan
Also see: the slides.

May 14, 2008
"Science and Technology in the 21st Century: How Can America Continue to Compete?", National Medal of Science Symposium, Northwestern University
Evanston, IL

April 17, 2008
" The Criticality of Proof: Not Just Words, But Bones," University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

April 11, 2008
"From My Crystal Ball: The Coming Revolution in Science and Humanity," Research Recognition Dinner, Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida

February 4, 2008
Presentation of the NSF FY 2009 Budget Request to Congress
Arlington, VA
Also see: the slides.

January 30, 2008
"Slowing Down Is Not an Option," URA Council of Presidents Annual Meeting and Policy Forum, National Academy of Sciences
Washington, DC


November 2, 2007
Opening Remarks, Reception for the 2006 Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers Recipients
Arlington, VA

October 17, 2007
"Cyberinfrastructure Supports Science Into the Future", Graduate Research Fellows Cyberinfrastructure Workshop
Arlington, VA

October 15, 2007
"NSF Partnerships In--And Out Of--The Classroom", Remarks at Drew University
Madison, NJ

September 6, 2007
Remarks, NSF Symposium on Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation
Troy, NY

August 15, 2007
Welcome Remarks, NSF Polymer Workshop: Interdisciplinary, Globally Leading Polymer Science and Engineering
Arlington, VA

June 24, 2007
"Blazing a Bold Trail for Education," 2007 U.S. Presidential Scholars Program, Teachers Recognition Dinner
Washington, DC

June 14, 2007
"Crossing Frontiers in a Connected World," Remarks, Korea Science and Engineering Foundation, 30th Anniversary Symposium
Seoul, Korea
Also see: the slides.

June 4, 2007
Remarks to the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Board Meeting
Bethesda, MD

April 19, 2007
Testimony Before the Senate Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee's Subcommittee on Technology, Innovation, and Competitiveness
Washington, DC

April 16, 2007
"Collaboration for Innovation," International Workshop on Scientific Challenges of New Functionality in Glass
Washington, DC

March 20, 2007
Testimony on NSF's FY '08 Budget Request, Before the House Science and Technology Committee Subcommittee on Research and Science Education
Washington, DC

March 15, 2007
"Arctic Science: What We Can Do, We Must Do," Arctic Science Summit Week 2007, Science Day Symposium, Dartmouth College
Hanover, New Hampshire
Also see: the slides.

March 8, 2007
Testimony on the NSF FY '08 Budget, Before the Senate Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies
Washington, DC

March 1, 2007
Testimony on the NSF 2008 Fiscal Year Budget, Before the House Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies
Washington, DC

February 26, 2007
Introductory Remarks for the International Polar Year Opening Ceremony at the National Academy of Sciences
Washington, DC

February 5, 2007
Remarks, FY 2008 Budget Presentation
Arlington, VA
Also see: the slides.

January 29, 2007
"Shaping the Cyberinfrastructure Revolution," Designing Cyberinfrastructure for Collaboration and Innovation, National Academies of Science
Washington, DC

January 4, 2007
"Transformative Research: The Artistry and Alchemy of the 21st Century", Texas Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science Fourth Annual Conference
Austin, Texas


November 9, 2006
"When the Jobs in the Nation Change, So Does the Job of the Scientist," Inaugural Civic Scientist Distinguished Lecture Series, Baker Institute, Rice University
Houston, Texas

September 26, 2006
Testimony on International Polar Year
Before the Senate Committees on Commerce and on Foreign Relations

September 26, 2006
Testimony on National Academy of Sciences report on Federal Icebreaking Missions
Before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation

September 21, 2006
Testimony on Fundamental Nanotechnology Research: The Key to Finding the Promise and Minimizing the Peril
Before the House Committee on Science

September 20, 2006
Testimony on International Polar Year
Before the House Committee on Science Subcommittee on Research

August 11, 2006
"Change Happens: Globalization and Technology Policy," Symposium: Impact of Globalization on Technology Policy, 50th Anniversary of Polymer Chemistry Doctoral Program
Akron, OH

July 24, 2006
Luncheon Remarks, International Conference on Engineering Education
San Juan, Puerto Rico

June 28, 2006
"From Commitment to Engagement: How Industry Can Cultivate Competitiveness," Digital Dialogue Forum
Washington, DC

June 19, 2006
"Engineering Education: Finding the Road to Change," American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference
Chicago, IL

June 13, 2006
"Cyberinfrastructure's Central Role in Building a Wise Crowd," TeraGrid All-Hands Meeting
Indianapolis, Indiana
Also see: the slides.

May 25, 2006
"International Cooperation, The Future of Science and Engineering," National Natural Science Foundation of China 20th Anniversary Celebration
Beijing, China
Also see: the slides.

May 17, 2006
"Energy, the Essential Resource: Crafting its Benign Future," Conference on Scientific Challenges for Energy Research, OECD Global Science Forum
Paris, France
Also see: the slides.

May 15, 2006
"Collaboration and Competition: What Can Governments Do?," G8 Heads of Research Councils Meeting
Paris, France
Also see: the slides.

May 11, 2006
"Opinion: An Invitation to Transform the Classroom," NSTA Reports, National Science Teachers Association
Guest Editorial

May 8, 2006
"Progress, Prosperity and the Cyberinfrastructure," ComputerWorld
Guest Editorial

May 2, 2006
Testimony on the National Science Foundation and Science Priorities
Before the Senate Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Science and Space

April 22, 2006
"Crossing Borders to Advance the Frontier: NSF's Role in International Outreach," American Physical Society Meeting
Dallas, Texas

March 30, 2006
Testimony on K-12 Science and Math Education Across Federal Agencies
Before the House Science Committee

March 29, 2006
Testimony on the Importance of Basic Research to United States' Competitiveness
Before the Senate Commerce Committee's Technology, Innovation, and Competitiveness Subcommittee

March 2, 2006
Testimony on the NSF FY 2007 Budget Request
Before the House Committee on Appropriations' Subcommittee on Science, the Departments of State, Justice, Commerce, and Related Agencies

March 1, 2006
Testimony on S. 2198, Protecting America's Competitive Edge (PACE) Act
Before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee's Subcommittee on Education and Early Childhood Education

February 15, 2006
Testimony, The National Science Foundation's FY 2007 Budget Request
Before the House Science Committee

February 8, 2006
"Science and Engineering's Human Resource Challenge," Remarks, URA Council of Presidents Annual Meeting
Washington, DC

February 6, 2006
Remarks, FY 2007 Budget Presentation
Arlington, VA
Also see: the slides.

January 25, 2006
"Un-Common Sense: Recipe for a Cyber Planet," Remarks, NCSA 20th Anniversary Distinguished Lecture
Urbana, IL

January 14, 2006
"The Future of Engineering, Science & Mathematics: Who Will Lead?" Remarks, 50th Anniversary Celebration, Harvey Mudd College
Claremont, CA

January 12, 2006
Association of Independent Technological Universities (AITU) Annual Meeting, After Dinner Remarks
Palm Desert, CA


December 5, 2005
Remarks, Setting the Agenda for 21st Century Science
Council of Scientific Society Presidents

November 13, 2005
"A Conversation with the NSF Director," Remarks, NASULGC 118th Annual Meeting Luncheon
Washington, DC

November 6, 2005
"Understanding Species Diversity on Earth: Unifying Field, Museum and Laboratory Scientists in Global Biodiversity Study, " Remarks, Joint DGF-NSF Workshop
Washington, DC

October 19, 2005
"Partnerships at the Frontier," Remarks, Accelerating Innovation Foundation Conference 2005
Washington, DC
Also see: the slides.

August 22, 2005
Remarks to the Materials World Network Symposium
Cancun, Mexico

July 20, 2005
Remarks at Dedication of New Terascale System, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
Pittsburgh, PA

June 22, 2005
"Global Connections: National Science Foundation International Programs and Activities," Remarks, Global Conference of Environment, Science, Technology and Health Officers, U.S. Department of State
Washington, DC
Also see: the slides.

June 14, 2005
Opening Remarks, 2004 Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers
Arlington, VA

June 13, 2005
Closing Remarks, 2004 Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers
Washington, DC

June 8, 2005
Testimony, Scientific Research Conducted by Civilian Agencies to Support the Nation's Homeland Security Mission
Before the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation, Subcommittee on Disaster Prevention and Prediction

April 21, 2005
Remarks, 30th Annual AAAS Forum on Science and Technology Policy
Washington, DC

April 10, 2005
"The Shifting Plate Tectonics of Science," American Ceramic Society, Frontiers of Science and Society, Rustum Roy Lecture
Baltimore, MD
Also see: the slides.

April 8, 2005
American Mathematical Society's Committee on Science Policy
Washington, DC

March 16, 2005
"From Concept to Confluence: Framing our Cyberinfrastructure," SBE/CISE Shared Cyberinfrastructure Workshop, Closing Dinner Remarks, Airlie Center
Warrenton, VA

March 11, 2005
Testimony, The National Science Foundation's FY 2006 Budget
Before the House Appropriations Committee's Science, State, Justice, and Commerce, and Related Agencies Subcommittee

March 8, 2005
Dinner Remarks to EPSCoR Coalition
Washington, DC

February 18, 2005
"Government's Role in Industrial R&D," AAAS Annual Meeting, Symposium on Industrial Research Trends
Washington, DC

February 7, 2005
Announcement of FY 2006 Budget Request to Congress
Arlington, VA
Also see: the slides.

February 4, 2005
"From New Sight to Foresight: The Long View on the Environment"
Address to National Council for Science and the Environment
Also see: the slides.

February 2, 2005
Testimony, U.S. Tsunami Warning System
Before the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation


December 17, 2004
"From Sorcerer's Apprentice to Wizard of Change," Commencement Address
Colorado School of Mines

October 28, 2004
"The Conduct of Science Is Not What It Used to Be," Address to Instituto Politecnico Nacional
Mexico City, Mexico
Also see: the slides.

October 22, 2004
"The Conduct of Science Is Not What It Used to Be," Address to Philosophical Society of Washington, Cosmos Club
Washington, DC
Also see: the slides.

October 15, 2004
Remarks to the ATE National Principal Investigator's Conference, "Emerging and Converging Technologies"
Washington, DC

October 11, 2004
Remarks, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
St. Louis, MO

October 4, 2004
Remarks, NSF Regional Grants Conference
Washington University

September 22, 2004
"The Role of Science in Earth Observations," Remarks, Forum on Earth Observation, Ronald Reagan Center
Washington, DC

September 17, 2004
"Science Connects: How Discovery Drives Our Global Future," Remarks at Washington State University, Campus-Wide Address
Pullman, WA
Also see: the slides.

July 20, 2004
Remarks, Release of "Science for the 21st Century," Report by the National Science and Technology Council
Washington, DC

July 8, 2004
Remarks, International Polar Year 2007-2008: Implementation Workshop, National Academy of Sciences
Washington, DC

June 17, 2004
Remarks, NSF Plans for Computational Science and Cyberinfrastructure, President's Information Technology Advisory Committee
Washington, DC
Also see: the slides.

April 1, 2004
Testimony, Before the VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee on the National Science Foundation's FY 2005 Budget
Washington, DC

March 29, 2004
"Diminishing Dimensions and Vanishing Boundaries: Endless Possibilities," Remarks, American Society for Engineering Education, 2004 Engineering Deans Institute, Opening Session: "The Changing Dimensions of Engineering"
New Orleans, LA

March 17, 2004
Testimony, Before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Science on The Green Chemistry Research and Development Act of 2004
Washington, DC

February 26, 2004
Testimony, Before the VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies Subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee on the National Science Foundation's FY 2005 Budget
Washington, DC

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Last Updated: Aug 20, 2009