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Director's Page

J. Steven Landefeld

To BEA's customers:

BEA strives to provide the most timely, relevant and accurate economic data to you, our users, to help promote a better understanding of the U.S. economy. These reliable and consistent measures of economic activity are essential to the informed decisionmaking of policymakers, business leaders and every American household. The success of our statistical programs, in large part, is determined by your trust in the quality of our data. As one of the world's leading statistical agencies, we are dedicated to staying on the cutting edge of the economy.

To help keep you informed on a number of non-statistical issues, this page provides a number of useful pieces of information. The 5-year BEA Strategic Plan is available below for your review as well as a report card of our successes in meeting the over 200 annual milestones in the Plan. Information on the President's current budget request for BEA also is available. Congressional testimony related to BEA and its statistical programs will be included below to keep you current on important topics being considered by Congress. Finally, other important reports and information can be found here to keep you informed on ongoing activities and plans at BEA.

If you have any questions or issues about BEA that you would like to share, I encourage you to contact me or any member of the BEA staff. We welcome your comments and suggestions. When you talk, we listen.

Steve Landefeld, Director
Bureau of Economic Analysis

Strategic Plan

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Last updated: Thursday, July 30, 2009