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U.S. Census Populations With Bridged Race Categories

Race bridging refers to making data collected using one set of race categories consistent with data collected using a different set of race categories, to permit estimation and comparison of race-specific statistics at a point in time or over time. More specifically, race bridging is a method used to make multiple-race and single-race data collection systems sufficiently comparable to permit estimation and analysis of race-specific statistics.

The National Center for Health Statistics releases bridged-race population estimates of the resident population of the United States, based on Census 2000 counts, for use in calculating vital rates. These estimates result from bridging the 31 race categories used in Census 2000, as specified in the 1997 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) standards for the collection of data on race and ethnicity, to the four race categories specified under the 1977 standards. Many data systems, such as vital statistics, are continuing to use the 1977 OMB standards during the transition to full implementation of the 1997 OMB standards. The bridged-race population estimates are produced under a collaborative arrangement with the U. S. Census Bureau. The bridging methodology is described in the report, “Census 2000 Populations with Bridged Race Categories” which was published in September 2003 and is available for download from this site.

The bridged single-race population estimates are being used to calculate birth and death rates produced by NCHS for data year 2000 and later years, as well as to produce revised birth and death rates for the 1990s. Published reports that used the 1990-based postcensal population estimates have been re-issued in whole or in part.

Although efforts were made to use the best available data and methods to produce the bridged estimates, the modeling process introduces error into the estimates. The potential for error will be greatest for the smallest population groups, particularly the smaller race groups and county level estimates. NCHS would appreciate receiving feedback on the usefulness of the estimates as well as any problems that have been identified. Please provide comments via e-mail to:

United States Census 2000 Population with Bridged Race Categories
View/download PDF 5.6 MB

New Data Releases
Vintage 2008 bridged-race postcensal population estimates of the resident population of the United States by year, county, single year of age, bridged race, Hispanic origin, and sex will be released soon, probably sometime in August, 2009.

Data Files and Documentation
Vintage 2007 Bridged-race postcensal population estimates for July 1, 2000 - July 1, 2007, by year, county, single-year of age, bridged-race, Hispanic origin, and sex

Vintage 2006 Bridged-race postcensal population estimates for July 1, 2000 - July 1, 2006, by year, county, single-year of age, bridged-race, Hispanic origin, and sex (8/16/2007)

Vintage 2005 Bridged-race postcensal population estimates for July 1, 2000 - July 1, 2005, by year, county, single-year of age, bridged-race, Hispanic origin, and sex (8/16/2006)

Vintage 2004 Bridged-race postcensal population estimates for July 1, 2000 - July 1, 2004, by year, county, single-year of age, bridged-race, Hispanic origin, and sex (9/8/2005)

Vintage 2003 Bridged-race postcensal population estimates for July 1, 2000 - July 1, 2003, by year, county, single-year of age, bridged-race, Hispanic origin, and sex (9/14/2004)

Vintage 2002 Bridged-race postcensal population estimates for July 1, 2000 - July 1, 2002, by year, county, single-year of age, bridged-race, Hispanic origin, and sex (9/14/2004)

Vintage 2001 Bridged-race postcensal population estimates for July 1, 2000 and July 1, 2001, by year, single-year of age, bridged-race, Hispanic origin, and sex (1/12/2003)

April 1, 2000 Bridged-race population estimates by county, single year age group, bridged-race, Hispanic origin, and sex (1/12/2003)

Bridged-race intercensal population estimates for July 1, 1990-July 1, 1999, by year, county, single-year of age, bridged-race, Hispanic origin, and sex (7/26/2004)

Bridged-race intercensal population estimates for July 1, 1990-July 1, 1999, by year, county, 5-year age group, bridged-race, Hispanic origin, and sex (4/15/2003)

CDC Wonder interactive population query page

Tabulated Data
The following tables (as Excel spreadsheets) showing bridged and enumerated population counts for 2000 and the 1990-based July 1, 2000, postcensal population estimates previously used by NCHS to calculate vital rates are available for download:

Table 1. White resident population, by State and Hispanic origin: United States, 2000

Table 2. Black or African American resident population, by State and Hispanic origin: United States, 2000

Table 3. American Indian or Alaska Native resident population, by State and Hispanic origin: United States, 2000

Table 4. Asian resident population, by State and Hispanic origin: United States, 2000

Table 5. Resident population, by State, Hispanic origin, and race: United States, 2000

2006 NCHS Urban-Rural Classification Scheme for Counties


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This page last reviewed July 21, 2009

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