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The National Institute of Standards and Technology is a federal technology agency whose mission is to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life. A non-regulatory agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce, NIST carries out its mission through four major programs: The NIST Laboratories are located in both Gaithersburg, Md., and in Boulder, Colo. The web site you are presently viewing provides descriptions of NIST's laboratory programs based in Boulder. Detailed descriptions of NIST's mission and programs may be found at the Institute's central web site, NIST operates the Baldrige National Quality Program, the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership, and the Advanced Technology Program from its Gaithersburg, Md., headquarters.

With a staff of about 350 scientists, engineers, technicians, and support personnel, plus some 100 visiting researchers each year, the NIST Boulder Laboratories conduct research in a wide range of chemical, physical, materials, and information sciences and engineering.

NIST's Boulder Laboratories occupy a scenic, 84-hectare campus at the foot of the Colorado Front Range. The campus is shared with offices and laboratories for units of two other Commerce Department agencies:

A central NOAA Corporate Finance and Administrative Services Office-Boulder provides an array of services on the campus for all three agencies.

See also: A-Z Subject Index (Boulder), What NIST Does, NIST Boulder Laboratories Homepage, Products and Services, NIST Home Page

Created: Aug. 24, 2001
Last updated:06/04/09

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