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Potential Health Effects Related to Traffic Emissions

The AQMD sent an advisory to all school districts within our four-county region to bring attention to findings from recent studies regarding the potential for adverse health effects resulting from exposures to traffic emissions, and to encourage school districts to consider exposure to vehicle emissions when selecting and evaluating sites for new facilities such as schools, playgrounds, and residences

A further recommendation is that when selecting such sites, proximity to busy roadways be assessed.  Measurements of air quality near freeways have shown that vehicle related pollutants drop off to near background levels within about 300 meters of the edge of the roadway.  Exposures to traffic pollutants can be minimized with appropriate distance from roadways.

 A recent survey of California schools revealed that approximately 2.3% of public schools were located within 150 meters of high-traffic roads (greater that 50,000 vehicles per day), and an additional 7.2 % were within 150 meters of medium traffic roads (25,000 – 50,000 vehicles per day).

Two fact sheets prepared by the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, a unit of Cal/EPA, are also referenced.  These fact sheets contain information regarding air pollution from traffic and children’s health, and what can be done to reduce exposure and can be accessed at the following links: and