Road Safety Audits (RSA)

Road Safety Audits Logo


RSA For Locals

RSA training workshops are designed to introduce RSAs as an effective tool that can help to reduce injuries and fatalities on your road network. The workshop helps local road agency professionals understand basic RSA concepts, risk and safety, and common issues. Participants gain experience in conducting an RSA. The workshop demonstrates that low cost safety improvements may be implemented quickly to reduce fatalities and severe crashes.

While the course is without charge from FHWA, there are some critical requirements to make this course a success. To learn more, contact Eloisa Raynault at

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Road safety audit team reviewing roadway plans
(Click For Larger Photo)

National Highway Institute

Road Safety Audits and Road Safety Audit Reviews

The National Highway Institute, the training arm of the Federal Highway Administration, offers a course on Road Safety Audits (RSA) and Road Safety Audit Reviews (RSAR). Participants in this course will learn how to improve transportation safety by applying a new, proactive approach to reduce accidents and their severity: Road Safety Audits (RSA) and Road Safety Audit Reviews (RSAR). These techniques provide an examination of a roadway by an independent, qualified audit team. The RSA is a way for an agency to improve safety and to communicate to the public how they are working toward accident reductions. This course includes "hands-on" application of the training materials, including topics such as: RSA definition and history, stages and how to conduct a RSA, and legal considerations. The course number is 380069.

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Program Contact

Becky Crowe
Program Manager


Eloisa Raynault
RSA Program Support


Technical Assistance
K. Craig Allred
Transportation Specialist


What's New

Tribal RSA: Case Studies

Newsletter: Spring 2009, Volume 1, Number 4


RSA Software

Sample RSA Database

Sample RSA Policies

Sample RSA Reports

RSA Case Studies

Pedestrian RSA Guidelines

RSA Video

RSA Brochure

RSA Guidelines

RSAs For Safety
Transportation professionals employ audits to scrutinize roadways for safety issues-and reduce crashes, injuries, fatalities, and costs in the process. Artice by Lousia Ward.

RSA Peer-to-Peer Brochure
FHWA has a new peer-to-peer program for RSAs where you can receive on-site or over the phone assistance on an RSA from a peer for no charge.