CCS: Institutes: FSI: About Us


Typical output from GYRO supertorus simulation

To provide a focus for collaborations between researchers developing the fundamental plasma theory and computational base needed to understand and predict plasma behavior in fusion devices.

Early Accomplishments of FSI

  • Cray-Fusion UltraScale Computing Workshop (2/3-5/03)
  • Follow-up sessions with Cray on libraries and performance modeling
  • Porting and optimization of GYRO code for numerical simulation of tokamak microturbulence with excellent performance
  • Use of GYRO on Cray X1 to study basic science problems:
    • Transport physics in the vicinity of an s=0 (minimum q) surface
    • Bohm to gyroBohm scaling transition
    • Examination of the effect of ion "corrugations" on electron temperature gradient (ETG) turbulence

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 Updated: Friday, 09-Jan-2004 12:29:44 EST