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Illustration of radon gas seeping up into the basement of a house Radon is an invisible, odorless gas known to cause cancer. Everyone is exposed to Radon at some level. Millions of homes and buildings contain high levels of Radon gas. The EPA and the Office of the Surgeon General recommend that all homes below the third floor be tested for Radon. Because Radon is invisible and odorless, a simple test is the only way to determine if a home has high Radon levels. For more Radon information see the Radon FAQ.

New Mexico Environment Department Radon Action Month (January 2009)

  • The New Mexico Environment Department, in conjunction with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, have designated January 2009 as Radon Action Month.
  • Starting in January, NMED will have free radon test kits available for NM residents willing to share their test results as part of a statewide radon survey.
  • To participate, please complete a request form and fax the completed form to Michael Taylor (505)476-3232.
  • If you have any questions you can reach Mr. Taylor at (505)827-1093 or by e-mail at:
  • Test kit Request Form (PDF)
  • Test kit Request Form (Word Format)

Health Effects From Radon Exposure

  • No immediate symptoms.
  • Estimated to contribute to between 7,000 and 30,000 lung cancer deaths each year.
  • Smokers are at higher risk of developing Radon-induced lung cancer.

Steps to Reduce Exposure to Radon

  • Take action if your Radon level is 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) or higher.
  • Radon levels of less than 4 pCi/L still pose a risk, and in many cases, may be reduced.

How to Get a Radon Test Kit

  • Test your home for Radon - it is easy and inexpensive. Requests for Radon Test kits can be sent to the National Safety Council’s 1-800-SOS-RADON number ($9.95) or Lowes Home Improvement Centers ($16.88) per the NM Environment Department.
  • For more Radon information see the Radon FAQ.

More Information about Radon


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