[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 31, Volume 2]
[Revised as of July 1, 2006]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 31CFR306.23]

[Page 154-155]
               Subpart C_Transfers, Exchanges and Reissues
Sec.  306.23  Securities eligible to be held in the TREASURY DIRECT 
Book-entry Securities System.

    (a) Eligible issues. The Secretary will, from time to time, cause to 
be published in the Federal Register a notice describing those series of 
Treasury issues of bonds and notes issued before August 1, 1986, that 
will be eligible for conversion to the TREASURY DIRECT Book-entry 
Securities System. The notice shall specify the period during which 
requests for conversion will be accepted.
    (b) Establishment of TREASURY DIRECT account. To convert a bearer or 
registered security to book-entry form to be held in TREASURY DIRECT, 
the owner(s) must establish at the time of conversion, or prior thereto, 
an account in TREASURY DIRECT in accordance with Sec.  357.20 of part 
357. Similarly, to transfer to TREASURY DIRECT a security held in book-
entry form under subpart O of this part, the owner(s) must establish at 
the time of transfer, or prior thereto, an account in TREASURY DIRECT in 
accordance with Sec.  357.20 of part 357.
    (c) Procedure for conversion of bearer security. To convert a bearer 
security to TREASURY DIRECT, the owner must present it to the Department 
of the Treasury, accompanied by a request for conversion, which must 
include the information needed for establishing a TREASURY DIRECT 
account, unless such account has been previously established, and is 
identified by its number in the request.
    (d) Procedures for conversion of registered security. To convert a 
registered security to TREASURY DIRECT, the owner(s) thereof must 
execute an assignment in accordance with subpart F of this part. The 
assignment must be in substantially the following form: ``To the 
Secretary of the Treasury for conversion to book-entry and deposit in 
TREASURY DIRECT,''. The security should be accompanied by the 
information needed for establishing the TREASURY DIRECT account, or 
where an account has been previously established, the above assignment 
should be reworded to include the account number.
    (e) Procedure for transfer of book-entry security held under subpart 
O. To transfer a book-entry security held under subpart O of this part, 
the owner(s) must arrange with the bank or other entity where the 
security is being held to transfer the same to TREASURY DIRECT. No such 
transfer will be accepted unless a TREASURY DIRECT account has 
previously been established and the number thereof is shown in the 
transfer request.
    (f) Terms and conditions of securities held in TREASURY DIRECT. An 
eligible security held in TREASURY DIRECT shall be subject to subpart C 
and other applicable portions of part 357, and the provisions of part 
306 shall not apply thereto.
    (g) Re-conversion from TREASURY DIRECT to registered form or to 
book-entry under subpart O. The owner(s) of a security converted or 
transferred to TREASURY DIRECT in the manner herein provided may, by 
executing an appropriate transaction request, transfer the book-entry 
security to a book-entry account held under the provisions of subpart O 
of this part. Thereafter, to the extent that the security was originally 
eligible for such conversion the book-entry security held under subpart 
O may be converted to one in registered form. Securities transferred 

[[Page 155]]

under this subsection shall be thereupon subject to the provisions of 
part 306, and part 357 shall no longer apply thereto.

[53 FR 15554, May 2, 1988, as amended at 64 FR 38126, July 15, 1999]