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Y2K Meteor Blast

The Quadrantids, one of the year's most intense and least observed meteor showers, peaks on January 4, 2000.

artist's concept of a Quadrantid fireball
streaking above the White Mountains in central CA.December 28, 1999: If you're the type of person who enjoys a bit of arctic chill on a winter night, then the 2000 Quadrantid meteor shower could be for you.

Right: Artist Duane Hilton's concept of a Quadrantid fireball streaking through the winter sky above the White Mountain Range in central California.

The shower stretches from Dec. 28, 1999 to Jan. 7, 2000, with a sharp maximum on Jan. 4 at 0530 UT (00:30 EST) when as many as 200 shooting stars per hour might be seen. The peak occurs just two days before the phase of the Moon is new. That means the sky will be dark, and viewing conditions should be excellent. No matter where you live, the best time to watch will be between midnight and 6 am local time on the morning of January 4.

Click here for more viewing tips!

Despite the fact that the Quadrantids make up one of the year's most intense meteor showers, they are also among the least observed. Why? One reason is the weather. The shower's radiant is located high in the Northern sky, so the Quadrantids are visible mainly to observers in the Northern hemisphere where the weather is cold and often stormy in January. After a series of summertime and autumnal meteor showers like the Perseids, Leonids, and Geminids, many sky watchers have seen plenty of meteors by the time the Quadrantids arrive. Who can blame them for lingering by the comforts of the hearth while the shower rages outside?

Quadrantids observed in 1995
by members of the International Meteor Organization Left: Quadrantids observed in 1995 by members of the International Meteor Organization. More information.

The situation is almost certainly exacerbated by the brevity of the shower's peak, which usually lasts just a few hours. Even dedicated meteor observers are likely to miss such a sharp maximum simply because they live at the wrong longitude. In his classic book Meteor Astronomy, Prof. A.C.B. Lovell lamented that "useful counts of the Quadrantid rate were made in 24 Januaries out of a possible 68 between 1860 and 1927. ... The maximum rate during this period appears to have occurred in 1932 (80 per hour) although the results are influenced by unfavorable weather."

With observations in such short supply, it's no wonder that many basic questions about the Quadrantids remain unanswered. For example, What is the source of the Quadrantid meteors? No one knows.

Most meteor showers are caused by comets. When a comet passes close to the sun, bits of dust and ice boil away from its nucleus and form a stream of tiny particles, called meteoroids, that orbit the sun. A meteor shower results when Earth passes through the debris stream.

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Presumably the Quadrantid meteors are formed in the same way. But when astronomers compare the orbits of Quadrantid meteoroids with the orbits of all known comets and asteroids, they can't find a match. The source of the Quadrantid meteor shower is unknown.

Quadrantid meteroids are in a highly elliptical orbit tilted about 70 degrees from the plane of the solar system. Some astronomers have speculated that the parent comet was captured or disrupted by Jupiter's gravity thousands of years ago, and that the Quadrantid meteoroids are the leftovers from that ancient celestial collision. Advocates of this idea believe that the original comet was orbiting the Sun nearly in the plane of the solar system. Since its disruption, the orbit of the debris stream evolved to its present state because of periodic gravitational perturbations from Jupiter.

Other scientists argue that the source of the Quadrantids could be an existing comet or asteroid that has yet to be discovered. If this is true, then we might expect to see outbursts of Quadrantid meteors during years when the parent comet is nearby, just as the well-known Leonid meteors are especially intense around the time that their parent comet, Tempel-Tuttle, passes close to Earth. In this regard, amateur observations of the Quadrantids could prove especially valuable to professional astronomers who would like to know when to look for the source of the meteors. If you're interested in observing the Quadrantids and reporting your data to NASA, please visit for details.

Web Links

Leonids, Live! -site of the live webcast of the 1999 Leonids -news, video and audio from this December's Geminid meteor shower, from NASA

Perseids, Live! -sights and sounds from the 1999 Perseid meteor shower

The Quadrantids - authoritative information about the Quadrantids from Gary Kronk's Comets & Meteor Showers web site.

North American Meteor Network - home page, featuring observing tips for beginners and information about meteor showers throughout the year.

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For more information, please contact:
Dr. John M. Horack , Director of Science Communications
Author: Dr. Tony Phillips
Curator: Bryan Walls
NASA Official: M. Frank Rose