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Prevention of Elder Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation (Title VII-A3)

Authorizing Legislation: Section 721 of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended

The Purpose of the Program and How it Works

In 1987 AoA established the Prevention of Elder Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation program. Through the program, AoA provides federal leadership in strengthening elder justice strategic planning and direction for programs, activities, and research related to elder abuse awareness and prevention. This program trains law enforcement officers, health care providers, and other professionals on how to recognize and respond to elder abuse; supports outreach and education campaigns to increase public awareness of elder abuse and how to prevent it; and supports the efforts of state and local elder abuse prevention coalitions and multidisciplinary teams.

AoA allocates grants under this program by formula to states and territories based on their share of the population aged 60 and over. States and territories have the discretion to allocate funding among the various activities authorized under the program. They also may choose to distribute the funds to area agencies on aging and local service providers.

To support this important program, AoA provides funding for the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA). The NCEA serves as a national resource center dedicated to the prevention of elder mistreatment, and provides relevant information, materials, and support to enhance state and local efforts to prevent and address elder mistreatment. For an overview of this program, please visit the National Center on Elder Abuse section of the website, or you may go directly to NCEA website

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Data Highlight Extensive Services Provided to Seniors

The following illustrates how AoA funding also supports state and local programs to prevent elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation of older adults in 2007:

  • In Kentucky, the statewide network of Local Coordinating Councils on Elder Abuse have developed “Visor Cards” for law enforcement officers that contain contact and resource information to assist victims of elder abuse. The Councils also produced “Fraud Fighter” forms that are distributed to thousands of seniors to help in the prevention of exploitation and scam artists. Other public awareness activities included renting billboards with elder abuse awareness messages and the state reporting number, hosting community trainings on the various forms of elder abuse, and other events and items to raise awareness in communities.
  • In Rochester, New York, Lifespan used OAA funding to train non-traditional reporters, such as hairdressers, store clerks, and others who have frequent contact with the elderly, on how to identify and report suspected cases of elder abuse. Additionally, a series of television ads were developed and aired.
  • The Wisconsin Bureau of Aging and Disability Resources developed, in collaboration with the National Clearinghouse on Later Life, a series of pamphlets to raise awareness of caregivers of the risks and signs of abuse in later life, or “domestic violence grown old.” The pamphlets were distributed statewide and are available on the Bureau’s website.

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Funding History

Funding for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation program during the past four years is as follows:

FY 2005 $5,126,000
FY 2006 $5,142,000
FY 2007 $5,146,000
FY 2008 $5,056,000

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Resources and Useful Links

AoA's National Center on Elder Abuse (Overview of AoA's Title II program)

Visit the National Center on Elder Abuse website

National Elder Abuse Incidence Study

What is Elder Abuse?

What If I Suspect Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation?

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Domestic Violence in Later Life

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Last Modified: 7/16/2009 8:52:26 AM