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2006 News and Numbers

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Date   Title
12/20/2006 First Look at Sickle Cell Disease Hospitalizations in 10 Years
12/13/2006 For Retail Workers, No Bargains on Health Insurance
12/06/2006 Hospitalization of Obese Patients More Than Doubles
11/29/2006 Injuries Cost Hospitals $20 Billion
11/16/2006 Cost of Treating Diabetes Surges
11/7/2006 Influenza Most Deadly for the Very Elderly
10/31/2006 The Proportion of Americans Buying Brand-Name Drugs Fuels Boom in Overall Drug Spending
10/25/2006 Fewer Women Having Inpatient Breast Cancer Surgery
10/17/2006 Six of 10 Non-Citizen Hispanics Lack Health Insurance
10/11/2006 Heart Disease, Pneumonia, Consistently the Most Common Reasons for Hospitalizing the Elderly
9/28/2006 Size Does Matter in Health Insurance
9/22/2006 U.S. Hospital Bill Approaching $800 Billion
9/12/2006 GI Disorder Hospitalizations on the Rise
9/6/2006 Survey Finds Overuse of Antibiotics Among Kids with Sore Throats
8/29/2006 Lifesaving Procedures for Heart Patients Increase by More Than a Third
8/24/2006 Health Insurance Enrollment Rates Down at Large Companies
8/15/2006 More than One in Four Babies Now Delivered by C-Section
8/8/2006 Where Americans Live Affects Health Insurance Costs
8/1/2006 Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations Common Among Blacks and Hispanics
7/26/2006 Employers Favoring PPO-type Health Insurance Over Less Expensive HMO-type Plans
7/18/2006 U.S. Hospitals Treat Many Uninsured Victims of Car Crashes, Violence, and Other Injuries
7/11/2006 Hospital Co-payments Required of More Workers
7/5/2006 Fewer Patients Receiving Heart Bypass Surgery in High-volume Hospitals
6/26/2006 Smoking While Sick
6/21/2006 Where Americans Work Affects Their Health Insurance Plan Price Tag
6/13/2006 Unhealthy Behavior Puts Men at Higher Risk for Certain Conditions
6/6/2006 Spending for Office-based Medical and Dental Care
5/30/2006 One in 20 Hospital Stays is Uninsured
5/24/2006 One Percent of Americans Account for 22 Percent of Health Care Spending
5/16/2006 One in Three Hospital Patients is 65 or Older
5/9/2006 Number of Women Diagnosed with Cardiovascular Disease Comparable to that of Men
5/2/2006 Hospital Care for Alcohol Abuse Disorders Costs $2 Billion Annually
4/25/2006 Fewer Than Half of Adults with Diabetes Get Critically Important Yearly Exams
4/18/2006 Number of Hospital Patients with Pressure Sores Increasing
4/11/2006 One-fourth of America's Non-elderly Poor Go Years Without the Protection of Health Insurance
4/4/2006 One in Seven Adults Uses the ER for Medical Care
3/22/2006 Respiratory Diseases Send More American Children to the Hospital Than Any Other Illness
3/15/2006 Out-of-pocket Spending on Health Care Rises Sharply for American Families
3/7/2006 Headache Sends More Than 7 Million Americans to Seek Professional Help
2/27/2006 Hospital Admissions For Complications From Surgery and Medical Care Are Increasing
2/15/2006 Spending On Drugs and Other Health Services to Treat High Cholesterol Has Increased 350 Percent
2/8/2006 Many Burn Victims Are Old or Poor
2/2/2006 More than Half of U.S. Children Don't Get Yearly Dental Checkups
1/25/2006 Costs of Treating Trauma Disorders Now Comparable to Medical Expenses for Heart Disease
1/18/2006 Medicaid Is Billed For Half Of All Children Hospitalized For Congenital Heart Defects
1/11/2006 The Percent of Workers in Small Firms Offered Premium-free Health Insurance Has Changed Little Since 1998
1/4/2006 One in Three Hip Fracture Patients Has Hip Replacement Surgery


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