Institutions Housing Female Offenders

Of the 27 facilities that currently house female inmates, all have mixed populations except for the "Big Six" – Alderson, Bryan, Carswell, Danbury, Dublin, and Tallahassee (although Dublin and Tallahassee each have a small male detention unit).

Bureau Institutions Housing Female Offenders
camps: FCIs: Administrative:
FPC Alderson* FCI Danbury* MDC Brooklyn
FPC Bryan* FCI Dublin* FMC Carswell*
SPC Coleman FCI Tallahassee* MCC Chicago
SPC Greenville* FCI Tucson MDC Guaynabo
SPC Lexington FCI Waseca* FDC Honolulu
SPC Marianna FDC Houston
SPC Pekin MCC Los Angeles
SPC Phoenix* FDC Miami
SPC Victorville MCC New York
FTC Oklahoma City
FDC Philadelphia
Other: MCC San Diego
SFF Hazelton FDC Seatac
*with RDAP (Residential Drug Abuse Treatment Program)

Please refer to the attached map to get a sense of the
geographic distribution of facilities housing females, as well
as the locations for RDAPs (Residential Drug Abuse
Treatment Programs) serving that population. The Big Six
are marked on the map by a yellow circle.

Inmate Matters - Female Offenders