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Spare the Air Status

Friday 8/14

There is no Spare the Air alert in effect Today.

San Mateo County Pier
San Mateo County
Air District Fact

Wood burning is a major source of particulate matter air pollution in the Bay Area during the winter months. The Air District’s Wood Smoke Initiative focuses on promoting model Ordinances to reduced wood smoke and educating the public about the health risks associated with breathing it.

San Mateo County

San Mateo County Resource Team

In September, 2008, the Air District kicked off a new Resource Team in San Mateo County. The San Mateo County Air Quality Resource Team is planning a commute solutions workshop for San Mateo County Employers. The event is planned for September and will include speakers and panel workshops on various aspects of commute solutions programs. Assemblymember Jerry Hill is scheduled as keynote speaker!

County Web Site: www.co.sanmateo.ca.us/portal/site/SMC

Corresponding Air Basin Subregions (climatic subregions):