NEA Partners

Research Brochures

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Arts Participation 2008: Highlights from a National Survey
Arts Participation 2008: Highlights from a National Survey features top findings from the 2008 Survey of Public Participation in the Arts, the nation’s largest and most representative periodic study of adult participation in arts events and activities, conducted by the NEA in partnership with the U.S. Census Bureau.  June 2009. 16 pp.
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Reading on the Rise: A New Chapter in American Literacy
Reading on the Rise documents a definitive increase in rates and numbers of American adults who read literature. This new growth reverses two decades of downward trends cited previously in NEA reports such as Reading at Risk and To Read or Not To Read. Reading on the Rise is based on early results from the 2008 Survey of Public Participation in the Arts. January 2009. 16 pp.
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All America's a Stage
All America's a Stage examines developments in the growth, distribution, and finances of America’s nonprofit theater system since 1990. Nearly 2,000 nonprofit theaters were analyzed for the study. While the research indicates broad growth and generally positive fiscal health, it also reveals decreasing attendance rates and vulnerability during economic downturns. December 2008. 8 pp.
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Artists in the Workforce Executive Summary
Artists in the Workforce: 1990-2005 is the first nationwide look at artists' demographic and employment patterns in the 21st century. Artists in the Workforce analyzes working artist trends, gathering new statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau to provide a comprehensive overview of this workforce segment and its maturation over the past 30 years, along with detailed information on specific artist occupations. June 2008.
8 pp.
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To Read or Not To Read: A Question of National Consequence Executive Summary
This report is a new and comprehensive analysis of reading patterns of children, teenagers, and adults in the United States. To Read or Not To Read assembled data on reading trends from more than 40 sources, including federal agencies, universities, foundations, and associations. November 2007.
20 pp.
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The Arts and Civic Engagement: Involved in Arts, Involved in Life. This research paper explores the compelling link between arts participation and broader civic and community involvement, as measured by the NEA's Survey of Public Participation in the Arts. The report also reveals that young adults show declines in participation rates for most arts and civic categories. November 2006. 8 pp.
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Reading at Risk: A Survey of Literary
Reading in America Executive Summary

6 pp.
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