National Endowment for the Arts  
NEA Partners
  Design Partnerships  

The Endowment's leadership initiatives in design are run in partnership with private non-profit organizations.  Although each was developed at a different time, the three programs work comprehensively to protect and enhance the American built and natural environment across all scales.  These programs are:

Panoramic view of a small town with a field in the foreground and mountains in the background.  The steeple of a church is visible above the roofs and the tops of the trees.  

The Governors' Institute on Community Design™, run in partnership with the Smart Growth Leadership Institute and the Environmental Protection Agency, helps governors apply best practices in managing the growth of large metropolitan areas.

View of Burlington, VT with a church at the end of a long street.  

The Mayors' Institute on City Design®, run in partnership with the American Architectural Foundation and the U.S. Conference of Mayors, helps mayors of large and mid-size cities address their most pressing urban design challenges.

Country landscape, a road winds to the left and rolling green hills with a blue sky and clouds  

Your Town: The Citizens' Institute on Rural Design, is run in partnership with the Faculty of Landscape Architecture at SUNY Syracuse and the Carl Small Town Center at Mississippi State University.  This program gives local leaders in rural areas the tools they need to wisely direct the physical growth of their communities.

Photo Credits
Top: Michael Watkins   
Middle: Jeff Speck 
Bottom: Richard Hawks