Training & Education Materials Production

Training & Education Materials Production

NCTC’s production division produces print, video, and computer-based multi-media products to support our training. It is also the site of our distance learning programming, where we take our classroom training to the airwaves. Here you’ll find a state-of-the-art video production unit, complemented by our graphics office and media and conservation libraries, and the Fish and Wildlife Service’s national publications clearinghouse.

Image Library

The National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) Image Library contains several thousand quality images in support of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s mission: Working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. Contributors include FWS photographers, FWS employees, and the generous donations of volunteers.


When NCTC opened in 1997, Graphics (the Graphic Design and Publishing Branch) began with an art director and one graphic designer. Graphics was created as one of three branches within the Training and Educational Materials Production Division. Employees within the other two branches – Video Production and Media Resources – manage the Image Library and Conservation Library; produce and script videos; write copy for brochures, catalogs, newsletters, and marketing material; and fulfill requests for FWS publications. And while the Graphic Design and Publishing Branch was originally established to provide professional visual communication design services to support training, marketing, and outreach programs at NCTC, these services were gradually made available to other Fish and Wildlife Service offices on a cost-reimbursable basis.

Today the Graphics staff consists of a branch chief, three full-time graphic designers, usually two part-time college interns, and – when necessary to keep up with the work load – a contract graphic designer. Products produced for several FWS regional and program offices have ranged from brochure design, Web page development, and exhibit/display production, to the design of national program logos and design elements.


The Video Production Branch provides all services associated with professional broadcast quality television productions from concept to distribution. There services include distant learning broadcast, studio and field productions, still photography, underwater video/photography, aerials, script writing, narration (voice over), music selections (professionally scored and/or music library), hiring professional actors, media B-Roll, and all associated post-production services.

The Branch produces various types of videos to include; training, educational, visitor center interpretive videos, Public Service Announcements (PSA's), and footage released to the media (B-Roll) and are shot in digital betacam wide-screen format (16:9) and mastered either on videotape or DVD.

Media/Writing Resources

The Media/Writing Branch produces articles and scripts for videos and other media for conservation training, and publishes our quarterly training report, "NCTC Journal"



Last updated: May 21, 2009