Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 25. Percent of Disabled and Nondisabled Experiencing Problems on Buses or on Subway/Light Rail/Commuter Trains for Local Travel

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Problems On buses On subway/light rail/commuter trains
Disabled Nondisabled Disabled Nondisabled
Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE
Audible/visual/tactile info limited 3.04 2.16 1.25 1.18 6.31 4.31 11.88 4.43
Board/exit time inadequate 3.37 1.85 5.58 4.38 6.42 3.79 3.53 2.56
Boarding/exiting equipment limited 4.08 2.78 1.66 1.55 5.51 5.02 5.04 4.03
Crowding/seating inadequate 45.87 7.71 27.86 5.46 26.64 8.35 38.96 7.59
Difficult to board/exit 5.61 2.62 0.81 0.83 7.57 4.08 1.96 1.67
Equipment storage inadequate 1.12 0.83 0.00   0.00   0.00  
Fare purchase difficult 0.77 0.77 0.84 0.87 0.00   0.00  
Insensitive/unaware driver 16.42 4.80 12.51 5.94 3.36 3.18 1.10 1.09
Insensitive/unaware passengers 31.30 6.48 32.16 6.92 15.74 6.21 21.32 5.49
Lighting inadequate 0.00   0.00   10.95 9.93 0.00  
Obstacles/protusions 4.20 2.15 2.86 2.01 1.65 1.72 5.17 2.37
Passenger travel info inadequate 0.00   2.53 2.57 0.00   2.37 1.60
Passing space/aisle width limited 4.66 2.61 0.00   5.51 5.02 0.00  
Personal safety concerns 13.30 4.77 10.76 6.12 15.22 6.53 16.28 4.51
Restroom facilities inadequate 0.00   0.81 0.83 5.51 5.02 0.77 0.77
Service animals not permitted 0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00  
Staff assistance/sensitivity poor 4.69 2.77 12.15 5.60 3.36 3.18 0.00  
Wheelchair space inadequate 0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00  
Other bus or train problem 11.52 4.56 6.96 3.09 8.84 4.63 10.84 4.07
Personal comfort 3.89 2.00 13.33 4.77 24.55 11.31 11.38 4.50

NOTE: This table contains the weighted percent or weighted mean and the standard error. Cells with a small sample size (<30) are in red to indicate that the weighted estimates based on a small sample size are not reliable. Cells in italics indicate a coefficient of variation greater than 30 percent and numbers are not reliable. Cells with bold type indicate significant differences (p <.05) between disabled and nondisabled individuals.

SOURCE:  U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2002 National Transportation Availability and Use Survey.

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