Table 31. Percent of Disabled and Nondisabled Experiencing Problems on Airplanes During Long-Distance Travel,,,, Problems,Disability status,,, ,Disabled,,Nondisabled, ,Percent,Standard Error,Percent,Standard Error Audible/visual/tactile info limited,0.60,0.62,0.07,0.07 Board/exit time inadequate,0.00,,2.21,1.16 Boarding/exiting equipment inadequate,0.00,,1.89,1.50 Difficult to board/exit,3.38,1.44,0.48,0.37 Equipment storage inadequate,2.76,1.52,0.76,0.58 Insensitive/unaware crew,1.76,0.97,3.40,1.46 Insensitive/unaware passengers,3.80,1.58,7.06,2.15 Left on board without help,0.00,,0.00, Lighting inadequate,0.00,,0.00, Obstacles/protusions,0.00,,0.15,0.15 Passenger travel info inadequate,0.44,0.45,1.02,0.64 Passing space/aisle width limited,8.61,2.66,9.32,2.29 Personal safety concerns,9.73,3.58,12.11,2.92 Restroom facilities inadequate,3.35,1.63,7.07,2.27 Seating inadequate,68.61,6.13,52.44,3.73 Service animals not permitted,0.00,,0.53,0.54 Staff assistance/sensitivity poor,4.83,2.62,3.31,1.11 Wheelchair damaged,0.00,,0.00, Wheelchair space inadequate,0.53,0.48,0.00, Other airline problem,4.25,1.72,12.75,2.06 Bad quality of food/no food,12.56,3.17,15.48,2.66 Long waits/delays before takeoff,3.78,1.34,7.47,1.97 NOTE: This table contains the weighted percent or weighted mean and the standard error. Cells with a small sample size (<30) are shaded to indicate that the weighted estimates based on a small sample size are not reliable. Cells in italics indicate a coefficient of variation greater than 30 percent and numbers are not reliable. Cells with bold type indicate significant differences (p <.05) between disabled and nondisabled individuals.,,,, " SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2002 National Transportation Availability and Use Survey",,,,